Stickman BEATS Robber In Viral Video, People Are SNAPPING Over INSANE Crime in Democrat Cities

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28 thoughts on “Stickman BEATS Robber In Viral Video, People Are SNAPPING Over INSANE Crime in Democrat Cities”

  1. Why should we be depending on hardworking immigrants to do what needs to he done? WE should be enforcing and protecting our communities if the government won’t.

  2. Hey i believe we should be caning as a punishment for this nonsense. Hell yeah they go to court sentence to the cane and they still have to pay for the damages and it shouldn't matter who their family is either the people will be hooded so the caner dont know who they are they get their wacks and sent to release and now they pay for damages
    Which also means they have to full cost non of the nonsense of perceived value that person was trying to steal an $8 item the damage $8 not what the store paid because they still have time lost

  3. That criminal got off light. What happend to "if its less than $1000, its not a big deal." Cigarettes in NYC are $20 a pack. That guy was well over the $1000 limit. He is filling a garbage can while the other guy is like "Do you have insurance?" Since the cops are unwillling or unable to do their job, what do you want the store owners to do? Listening to the criminal howl was very satisfying. And lets be further honest. This soft on crime approach is the rotten fruit of BLM.

  4. Look at Hattie the people set the criminals on fire in the street due to the lack of Justice this is what they want is for people to that here so the government can take control of everything and only the elites have rights

  5. Violence should always be a last resort, however sometimes its necessary. The problem with society today is that everyone has been taught to let the police handle it but in reality the police have their hands tied behind their backs and can't do or won't do what is necessary

  6. I believe there have
    been gangs & cartels,
    foreign & domestic,
    that have home invaded
    politican, poliçe
    commissioners, mayors, union leader, insurance agents, lawyers, judges,
    journalists homes and
    have threatened their
    families with torture
    and kidnapped members
    then intimidated them
    with their goal and have
    carried on with this for
    maybe years to where
    the people that were
    invaded have become
    inundated and inherent.
    Like evil Haitian gangs.

  7. Tim, you are the same guy who warns people not to come to your house because your security will SHOOT them! How hypocritical of you to say you disagree with this man protecting his place!!!

  8. I literally fist pumped when I saw this video for the first time. I am so sick of seeing these criminals get away with being absolute demons, this video was cathartic as hell to watch.

  9. This is exactly how to handle criminals, and I would add a third member standing by with a gun at the ready in case one is shown by a criminal. Back in the 1970's my dad's favorite camera shop in the city we lived in had a sign that said, "Wo do not prosecute thieves, we cut their f*cking hands off." Today that store would probably be charged for having a threatening sign. Urban people are such weak garbage today, and I say that as someone who is from an urban setting originally.

  10. The MSM must be furious that the people taking out the criminal were not Caucasian. Oh what a field day they could have had with imagery like that to push 24/7, 365. They are praying for something, anything, to distract from the gross and disgusting Biden pay to play scandal. Even new Trump indictments aren't working, and they are having to trot them out far too early for their desired election timing.


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