Stellaris Overlord – Let's Play – Kingdom Of Valour – #2

Hello Everyone it has been years since I last played Stellaris and thought I would dust it off and record a game and try out the new Overlord DLC.

I am playing as the Kingdom Of Valour (I am English I do not use valor ppfft XD) starting out as a vassal trying to break free and make my dreams a reality I also end up having people with crazy hair and turn into super Saiyan’s its random.

Note in hindsight playing on normal mode was probably not the best idea but it ended up being a highly chaotic game with myself not playing for 2-3 years and the game acting in wonders ways XD

Series goal become galactic emperor (Though I did not know this until later lol)

Hope people enjoyed the let’s play even if it was a bit whacky it will be released every other day.

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The Berserker (Sturgia)

#Stellaris #Paradox #Chaos


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