Stellaris in a nutshell


31 thoughts on “Stellaris in a nutshell”

  1. Every time I play I hear Padmé talking

    “You’re closer to the chancellor than anyone please, ask him to stop the fighting and let diplomacy resume”

    Then I indiscriminately bombard a planet and I yell “DONT ASK ME TO DO THAT”

  2. Jokes aside. There is a reason humans own this planet. We are the best and we killed everything that was in our way to come here. Why aliens would be any different. Galaxy is just like the planets bigger and wider, but the same rule applies. Only the best survives.

  3. Look they start it. Even when I’m just trying to play hippie psychic trees they attack with no provocation. Its not my fault they didn’t plan on me already having a planet cracker.


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