q Reasons Why Tourists Get Robbed in Europe - New World videos

Reasons Why Tourists Get Robbed in Europe

Traveling the world is fun, but there are people out there who want to ruin your fun by scamming you or robbing you while you travel. This video goes through some of the main reasons why people do get robbed or pickpocketed while they travel. From the clothes they wear to what they pack to the positions they put themselves in. This is a perfect video to share with your traveling friends and family if you want to help them stay safe on their European vacation.
Filmed in Paris, France

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22 thoughts on “Reasons Why Tourists Get Robbed in Europe”

  1. Here is another trick they used on us. Wife, i and 20 year old grandaughter board metro in paris. Guy gets between me and the other two and just stops near the door. I try to go around him and he happens to block me with his back turned to me. So i am thinking he doesnt realize i am trying to get past him. So as i am occupied with this guy, another young girl moves in a takes the wallet, takes the cash and tosses it on the floor. My wife sees the wallet and the guy is moving asmway. As i am looking at the wallet to give it to the guy leaving, i realize it is mine, but they are out the door as they are shutting. They time it perfectly based on the aural alarm when the doors are going to close. A $100 lesson to always watch my wallet.

  2. I have only travelled to safe countries like China, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, etc. I am considering a journey to Europe as a solo traveller so the information here is of great help. I live in Sydney, Australia and feel quite safe in this city of five million people. No place is perfect but I consider myself fortunate to live where I live and to have travelled to the countries I have visited.

  3. I think you missed an important factor:
    The average American with enough money to travel is a suburbanite, and the average American suburbanite is functionally a child as far as navigating cities is concerning. Like stealing candy from a baby.

  4. I'm wondering if the umbrella was stolen in Japan. From what I've heard, Japanese people aren't likely to steal your wallet or anything of value, but umbrellas are fair game.

  5. The worst robbing is in restaurants . Be prepared to get ripped off if you don’t speak Italian without an accent and if you don’t get ripped off money wise you’ll be given smaller portions and get short changed ..

  6. I’m pretty street smart. Got my passport nicked in San Jose , Costa Rica once. Went out to eat dinner. Was only 2 or 3 people in the place I ate at. Was either my waitress or cute chica that tried chatting with me. They were good. Didn’t feel a thing. Had to go to embassy. Missed my flight. Got lucky and the guy at the airport actually bumped someone else off the plane and put me on it. Now I’ll carry $50 on me. And a credit card. That’s it. It also helps looking like every guy on every wanted poster in every place in the world. Being big and ugly has its benefits at times.

  7. I have seen a video of Italian police demanding a passport for identification and when the person didn’t have it the police took him to a police station for hours and lied to the person’s friend who came with the identification as to where the detained person was.

  8. On a bus tour night out in Rome, our guide told us before we prepared to enter the restaurant that pickpockets would be all around us and that women should hold their purses with both hands. We we walking no more than 20 metres!

  9. Be security conscious and make it easier for thieves to steal from someone else. If you are the type of person that loses things because you are unorganized then you are probably the type of person to be noticed and targeted by petty criminals.

  10. The subway in any European city is the place where it’s extremely easy to get pickpocketed. Be alert and seal all your stuff and keep it close to your chest. Slippery hands will try to get it when you least expect.

  11. I was nearly pickpocketed my first time in Saigon. Before I returned i had a tailor sew a zipper into the front right pocket of each pair of slacks I was packing. Keep that wallet safe and sound.

  12. Agree. People do dumb things when they travel. There are thieves everywhere. We had a fellow in Bruges trying to show us the sights. He kept offering to take our picture with my expensive camera. He would have raced off with it! We had a hard time getting rid of him as he was very persistent. Using your spider sense helps!


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