Stellaris 3.8 "Gemini" | Free Features Video

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Want to know more about the free features coming in the 3.8 “Gemini” update? Community Manager Mordred Viking has you covered!

Read more in Stellaris Dev Diary #295 – Armies, Sectors, Messages, and More:


You are not alone! The galaxy is vast and full of wonders, but it’s also full of alien empires you’re going to encounter, whether you’re ready or not. First Contact offers a set of new origins and mechanics that give players the chance to tell stories about their civilizations’ early encounters with visitors from the stars — ones that may not have come in peace!

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49 thoughts on “Stellaris 3.8 "Gemini" | Free Features Video”

  1. You are all doing a stellar job with these ongoing improvements! It looks to me that new and / or improved species portraits appeared – nice work! Any thought being given to continuing your expansion / revising the 'vanilla' organic species trait lists? That list is feeling a little stale.

    Two ideas stewing in my brain-lobes are earlier access to something like 'cybernetic implants' / 'bio-hacking' as a prelude to Synthetic Ascension – heck, even the Terrans are doing that now (besides turning their planet into a Tomb World). And 'symbiotic/parasitic species' maybe as an Origin – or two Origins, where two different species co-habit the same body – for mutual benefit or as an alien parasite. Symbiotes and alien parasites are sci-fi tropes that will hopefully be included in future improvements.

  2. I like ground invasions but having to micromanage them was always annoying. Especially when they accidently died if i left them in a system. If we could integrate them with the ships maybe as an extra module or something!

  3. I love the new change for collateral damage. Really makes it feel more impactful in wars when you’re invading and say if you lose the war but used troops that causes high collateral damage. The planets you invaded should suffer from many losses that will in turn affect their economy.

    Thank you Stellaris team for always making great content.

  4. As someone whose been with Stellaris since launch, it makes me smile seeing how passionate the devs, are and how this amazing game continues to grow and change! Keep up the great work guys!

  5. The ground combat changes are a great compromise. If you want to avoid ground combat, you can do it it a balanced way, and if you like ground combat, it is easier to do and has additional benefits compared to bombardment

  6. I love the new Collatoral and increased devastation consequences so more Pops die.
    But I wish that there could have been an option to commit genocide with your invading armies to hunt civilian Pops, rather than take the planet.

  7. Great video I can't wait for custom sector editing. I'll probably have to make a sector apitol habitat tho to make things perfect. I love that yall added coop it's so midh fun to play. I might do a run on coop with all notificstions turned off. That could be very fun

  8. "Ground combat. The community is divided between a rework and just removing it entirely.

    I opted instead to make everyone disappointed and give you something you didn't ask for. Quality of life improvements."
    I died.

  9. Talking about voice… you should really ask the Red king to voice new advisor. It was his aprils fools, but so many people were excited on the idea. 😀

  10. I love the changes to the automatic survey, but could you make it so you can choose the maximum length of time anomaly you want a ship to investigate? I want to investigate an anomaly if it takes, say, 150 days, but not ones that take 500.

  11. Just in case we forgot about The Emperor, it would be awesome if the "Imperial Capitol" building spawned 32 armies. Especially if they were some sort of new "Imperial Defense Legion"

  12. I love all the QOL and such I am seeing so far. Long awaited change to pop ups and armies/invasions especially. I also like the minor thing like capital designation.

  13. Would you guys consider adding new tutorials-either in game or in YouTube form-on some of the systems and modes of play in the game? With how many updates and new systems that have been added I feel like there's an overwhelming amount of information for new or returning players.

    That being said, keep up the good work! Only thing I'd really love to see in the more immediate future is more species packs, even if they don't really add much in terms of gameplay. IE: "Dragons" adding more fantastical reptillians, "Mammals" adding more fluffy friends, ect.

  14. I feel like most of the dlc content was there before the release of the base game and it was just stripped off and packaged as a separate part of the game itself just to make more money

  15. Glad we can now edit sectors again, always wanted to roleplay as the space HRE and create vassals and domains and have the ability to customize one Planet "Polis" for each vassal.

  16. Honestly i love that Planets Surrender now if they have no Garrison left, that should have been a thing for a long time but better now than never :). I also love that orbital bombardment will be more devestating as it should be and Ground Combat also doing damage to planets, i am a huge fan of these changes! Can't wait for the DLC to come either

  17. This just might be my favourite update already. It addresses issues I've had with the game every time I come back to play a new DLC for years! Fantastic work guys!

    EDIT: I should clarify that regardless of those issues I love the game. Its those minor inconveniences, like sector management, automated science ship tasks and alerts that I can't wait to see these changes for.

  18. This QoL changes is what i longed for so long. Just after 2.0 apocalypse release it felt somewhat underwhelming, so much stuff to handle and micromanage. And especially irritating sectors, dammit. Big thanks for that

  19. What are the priorities between the different options for science ship automation? Any chance assist research will be added as an automation option as well? (i.e. when nothing else to do, go assist research).


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