Startup Founder – The Problems We Are Going To Solve

Welcome back. Today on my startup chronicles I’m going to share with some of the early problems we are going to create solutions for on

Problem #1 – We have underutilized airplanes in the private sector. Most privately owned and operated aircraft only fly 50-100 hours every year. This means 99% of the time these airplanes are simply grounded. This makes it more expensive to operate that aircraft.

Solution – Get our underutilized airplanes back in the air by pairing with multiple pilots who need to fly

Problem #2 – There is a professional pilot shortage. If you’ve been paying attention to the news for the last 5 years we’ve been having a global pilot shortage. Well some of this is due to the fact that commercial certified pilots don’t have the required flight hours to transition into the airlines.

Solution – Get our certified pilots more access to affordable aircraft they can fly

Problem #3 – It’s just too darn expensive to fly and operate an aircraft. This is true all around. Currently it cost roughly $200/hr to rent a 50 yr old Cessna 172. If we can shave off even $25 from that hourly cost, that savings will add up.

Solution – Share the cost of one airplane amongst multiple pilots

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5 thoughts on “Startup Founder – The Problems We Are Going To Solve”

  1. It seems like a good premise to make aviation more cost effective and the Tecnam P2008 is a believable plane and LSAs are valid for building hours afaik. My unknown of concern would be how many interested pilots do you have within reasonable distance. If they are just building a lot of hours, it's less important to be super close but if they want it for business travel it has to be fairly close. Flying for fun has maybe slightly bigger radius. So you have a business model that's fairly geofenced. So with the most optimistic projections, could it ever be decisively bigger than a non profit club basically. Could it make sense to have it hangared at a more expensive major airport.
    If you can find commercial pilots willing to rent it non stop just to build hours that would seem viable. On the other hand you need maybe 2000 hours on the plane at 150$ unattended just to break even.
    Btw if wear and fuel is a significant cost, maybe look at the Risen/Siren. That glide ratio must translate directly to fuel economy and wear. It might use half the fuel of the Tecnam for the same speed and distance and it might be able to fly much slower and increase the contrast.
    It's a foolish system to just build hours. That should be changed. Smarter training using sims and building hours as copilot. It's just not that difficult to fly a plane, especially if you emphasize the core tenets, not drown the important bits in mindless procedure. Sully had over 20000 hours when he decided to 'land' in a river instead of easily returning to the airport. If that's what experience gets you, maybe 10 good hours is enough.
    Stall is not your friend. A plane is a glider that sometimes has engines. Center of gravity is a little bit important.

  2. Love, love, love the realtime exposure to a bright, dedicated entrepreneur !!
    Thank you for taking the extra time out of all your other commitments to post this information.
    This is the attitude and drive that makes America and humanity progress.


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