Stargate: Goa'uld Al'Kesh | Ship Breakdown

Spacedock breaks down the versatile mid-range Al’kesh bombers of the Goa’uld Empire #stargate





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Battlezone II Music by Carey Chico

Spacedock does not hold ownership of the copyrighted materiel (Footage, Stills etc) taken from the various works of fiction covered in this series, and uses them within the boundaries of Fair Use for the purpose of Analysis, Discussion and Review.


34 thoughts on “Stargate: Goa'uld Al'Kesh | Ship Breakdown”

  1. I did not wake up today expecting be blessed with a SpaceDock Episode on the Al'Kesh, but I'm not about to look a gift undomesticated equine in the mouth.

  2. Tel'Tak's were Cute and Versatile but honestly , just too Small . Ha'Tak's were just plain Weird . Deadly , but weird .
    The Al'kesh's looked GOOD , more like you would recognise as a Ship/Boat , and performed well . Sort of like the VCX-100 of Goa'Uld space .

  3. they did really tick all the boxes to make a practical utility ship. didn't give it too much thought when watching the show, but i appreciate it a lot more now

  4. Well, i think it was stated that all Goa'uld tech is just older ancient tech, and the ancients would have designed a versatile, adaptable ship design that could suit all their needs pretty well, and the Goa'uld just repeated the design without altering it.
    Later ancient Tech like the puddle jumpers, while very utilitarian, also had that versatility, they could be used as fighters in a pinch, had enough room for cargo and personal, while having potent weapons and a cloaking device.
    Though i will admit that an Al'kesh is more of a battleship configuration while a puddlejumper is a mini-van.

  5. Should have told me you were doing this, i would have rendered out the VFX models for you and got you the right sizes haha
    For those wondering, the VFX model was 69m long, 45m wide, and 25m tall.

  6. I'd like to see Spacedock's opinion on the ships from an anime called: "Starship Operators". The series has some interesting concepts for warship design. One that was shown in the first ep was essentially a mobile railgun attached to a munitions factory. It's mode of engaging in battle is that it would attach to an asteroid and use it for raw materials to produce its ammunition to fire repeated volleys until it completely consumes said asteroid to saturate the combat area and limit its enemy's ability to close the distance to fire on them.

  7. It’s so odd that this one design has the visible engine bells well every other Goa’uld ship doesn’t. I mean you would think the Tel’tak or the death gliders would. Same for the plasma blasts. The turrets are cool but shouldn’t the Ha’taks have those?

  8. The Al'Kesh is the perfect example of a ship that isn't "designed by plot". It was designed as a ship in a fleet. It had the kind of versatility you'd see in a "hero ship", without the crutch of being "good at everything".

  9. I love how chonky the Earth ships are. They really feel like a modern human warship build. Well, turn of the century. Modern naval ships are incorporate more stealth elements. But realistic stealth isn't much of a thing in space, so they have to rely on magic and bullshit to make it work.

  10. I never liked the Al'kesh. As a bomber (against groundtroops) or bigger carco ship it will do its job. But its underarmed if you want to fight othervships. At least I see it this way 🙂

  11. If I was a system lord I’d definitely have a highly customized one of these as a personal transport alongside a Ha’tak. Something to take me down to the planet with more flare than the transporter rings or act as an escape shuttle.

  12. Damn, I miss Stargate, it was peak series at it's time… Atlantis was amazing too, maybe even better! Universe was good too but in a different way. I hope the franchise gets rebooted soon!

  13. Can someone tell me what the music is called that is used in this video? I see "Battlezone II Music by Carey Chico" in the description, but aftrer listening to various tracks, I don't think I've found the exact one yet.

  14. This is basically the sci-fi version of a WW2 flying boat like the PBY. Long-ranged multi-purpose craft, capable of doing a bit of everything, and so versatile that they remained in use LONG after the conflict they were built for.

  15. I just started re watching SG1. In the pilot there is a death glider that is clearly a personnel transport. Is it a one off or is just a ship that isn't used much and I don't remember from watching SG1 before?

  16. I’d greatly appreciate a video that compares the relative scale of technology the weapons in the “Realistic Weapons” series exist at.
    How lowtech or hightech each weapon is and whether one would need to be developed before an other in sci-fi weapons development.
    Comparing things like energy yield, cost of production, cost of ammunition, etc.
    For example, on a scale of lowest to highest range, you have railguns, particle and dust guns, then lasers. Missiles are a variable option, as it depends on how much fuel they have and how efficient they use it.


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