Starfield Direct WIPED AWAY Almost All My Concerns

The Starfield Direct brought 45 minutes of new gameplay and footage to delve into and my Starfield reaction is ultimately that Bethesda and Bethesda Game Studios nailed Starfield in all the best ways.

From the details in ship combat to the customization and the true freedom to do anything you want in this sandbox open world sci-fi epic adventure, the claims we have heard about Starfield being the greatest science fiction game may just be true. Almost all of my concerns following the Starfield direct have been wiped away save for a few minor details that, realistically, I have full confidence Bethesda will have figured out. From the massive amounts of weapons, the expansive cities, the gameplay improvements since the delay, the incredible lighting system and the upgrades to companions, ship crafting, and space combat, starfield really does seem to do it all.

Starfield blends all of the best gameplay elements of past Bethesda games into an all encompassing experience that melds together multiple different games used as inspiration in a way other titles have fallen short. But one thing is absolutely certain, I cannot wait to jump into exploring the world of Starfield.


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