Stardew Valley 2.0? | Coral Island Game play and first impressions

Coral Island is a new Farming Sim which is very similar to Stardew Valley.


18 thoughts on “Stardew Valley 2.0? | Coral Island Game play and first impressions”

  1. So, I've been seeing quite a bit of 'just a 3D SV rip-off' and I have to say, seeing this video, while I don't think it's a straigh up copy-cat, it's definitely A LOT.

    Some details are even TOO MUCH if I'm honest, if only due to being put all together. Oak and maple and fir in tropical island giving seeds and sap? What looks like tree-seed snack? 22/40 crops being the same on, again, tropical island, and a grass starter, too? Box by your house? TV with tutorial in your room? Mines opens on 5th day where you find holes under rocks? Checking trashcans? Upgrading backpack at the store? Random forage around? Museum with artefact collection, with geodes you break at blacksmith? And that's without things I saw other people mention (like town layout and mine chest system), but you don't get to so I can't verify them.

    While you can't exactly reinvent the wheel, at some point it becomes too many similar elements in one place if you get 'inspired' by one game and use such unocmmon mechanics on top of that. [And clover replacing worm-spots is straigh-up from a SV mod, too – which I wouldn't think twice about normally, if not or other similarities.]

    Hopefully they use EA to truly make this game become its own thing, because the premis IS really good and it'd be a shame is such pretty graphics and all the work put into it went to waste – because clearly they DID put a lot of work into the game, and what new things they DID implement are really cool!. It just seems they neglected making the game its own thing in favour of doing what other games profited from so they can just make it look pretty, which is a shame. [Even more so when it came now – after both Immortal Life and Dinkum proved you can get very unique with just a slight change of setting.]

    I'm glad you enjoy it and I hope it get enough attention to both make it profitable AND incetivise the developers to improve on the critique, too. [The bugs wiping you entire storage are what made me decide to wait before buying it. Hope you don't suffer too many glitches. ;)]

    [Also, so it doesn't sound like I'm unfair – it's close to No Place Like Home, but that would be because it's the only 2 farming game I can think of which have you clean up trash and use it to build stuff. I can name stuff that I've seen in other recent games, too, but it's a few at most so they don't stand out as starkly as all the SV similarities. So I think they might just be inexpirienced people who went waaaay overboard with picking elements they like from only SV without control.]

  2. I haven't looked at any lets plays because i want to experience without any knowledge. But im in summer now so I thougt i can watch your first impression.
    Well i just found out you dont have to run like an idiot and swing your bugnet around…
    Im a little ashamed and also little proud that I got to lvl 5 bugcatching.

  3. The only thing I’m not a huge fan of is the movements of the characters themselves. It feels really over exaggerated and I personally don’t like that. It reminds me of my time at Portia a little too!

  4. The toxicity in Stardew Valley fans is hilarious. Stardew didn't created farming games or it's the only one that exists. Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and Rune Factory exist.

    Very funny to see people complaining about "bronze ore", while Stardew and other farming sims do the same with copper, silver and gold.

    Now talking about the game, I enjoyed it! It's very fun, and I'm impressed it doesn't have game-breaking bugs in its early access.


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