StarCraft 2: herO Tries WILD New Protoss vs Zerg Builds on Reynor!

StarCraft 2 AfreecaTV Theatre of Dreams – GSL Champion herO takes on Reynor’s high speed Zerg in a completely new high tech Protoss vs Zerg brawl!

StarCraft 2 AfreecaTV Theatre of Dreams – herO (Protoss) vs Reynor (Zerg) – Best of 3

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34 thoughts on “StarCraft 2: herO Tries WILD New Protoss vs Zerg Builds on Reynor!”

  1. If hero had just put those tempests around the side of the map and came in behind, he could of put them on hold position at the back of the bases. The drones wouldn't of been able to mine until the corruptors came out, since the queens couldn't of hit them.

  2. This may be a stupid question, but given that some players will invest in sending a lib or 2 to snipe workers against zerg, is there a major downside to parking a tempest behind a mineral line? They have long enough range that they can kill drones without queens being able to do anything about it, and by the time zerg reacts with corruptors, the mining prevention has already paid for itself.

    yes, it would require rushing tempests, but I think you could back it up with a standard wall and some adept harass. If you get roach pushed you just recall the tempests and laugh as they wittle down the ground-only forces attacking you. It feels relatively low-risk, if perhaps a misuse of tempest firepower?

  3. i feel like the tempest play could have been devastating had he just use them in an area where the queens couldn't chip them like outside his base near creep, and he didn't have a oracle or observer to get that extra few steps of vision.

  4. Tempest are probably the most valuable unit in the entire game, But do to the high requirement of APM in micro they tend to suck. There are so many units a small cluster of tempest can instakill.

    With infinite apm, marines would all fire the exact amount of shots necessary to fully kill a unit, securing the kill, reducing incoming dps, and maximizing your own dps through no overkill damage. Not to mention maintaining injured units in the fight via micro and healing. Micro is so strong and there's a limit to more beats less.

  5. No way on earth that shitty wall is a bait to funnel lings in so to do damage you'd have to be extra commited and as such lose them all for less, rather than skirting and growing into an attack

  6. Don't wanna watch casts with the caster on screen. Don't need to see your face obscuring the screen. It is distracting and annoying. Can you imagine watching football or hockey with someones face in the corner?

  7. What was that micro? Like 6 queens were at 10 hp and only needed 1 hit to die and hero let those same near death queens get off like 10 transfuses. Jesus that first game was sloppy by hero. Looking at it I feel like even I could have microd that better than him and I have like 30 apm and I'm dogpoop. Srsly though why did he not think it more important to focus the injured queens over the full hp queens?

  8. There is no counter to Mass Blink Stalkers, According to Alphastar the Google AI. However you should not use it till, you have an average effective apm of 300, along with a exstreamly high mouse sens setting that your acc with. tons of practice Macoing the stalkers , while also keeping your production going at home and controlling 2 exstra casters atleast.

    AlphaStar doesn't missclick. Then and Only then are you prepared for Blink Stalker. PS, I'd argue Blink immortal, using 2 prisms, is More effective on the ground. Since they are better units and with prisms you don't require Blink.


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