Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episodes 5, 6, and 7 – re:View

Warning: Picard spoilers in the video.

Mike and Rich continue their journey into the final frontier of fun, with Star Trek: Picard Season 3 – Episodes 5, 6, and 7! After an exciting and refreshing first 4 episodes, Picard season 3 might be hitting a few bumps in the road as the plot must now begin to take shape (no changling pun intended). Can a Star Trek series actually do something with a vengeful villain, a mystery-box-super-son, and a doomsday weapon/federation ending event? A demented version of Data/Lore/B4 with an elderly synthoid body is found guarding Daystrom Palace in the space. Picard’s mother has still hunged herself but Picard can say burgle to impress for success. Riker gets kidnapped by Honey Bunny after a birdman beats his face in and they’ve also kidnapped Troi. Geordi loves one daughter more than another because the one daughter likes engineering more. Worf thinks Picard’s wine sucks. He’s not the only one. Shaw does too. Shaw is a malbec man because he’s a smart man. Shaw is a man of good taste. As is Worf. Worf loves Riker’s eggs and that’s not innuendo. When will Wesley Crushing It show up with the Traveler, that wacky shocker finger-shaped time/space travlin’ creepazoid.



20 thoughts on “Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episodes 5, 6, and 7 – re:View”

  1. Good review, my feelings are the same, I REALLY want this to end well but an concerned with how similar it is to past episodes of Kurtzman diarrhea.

    If it does end well then imagine the hilarity of a bunch of CBS execs analyzing their viewing metrics in the future and seeing that Picard Season 3 was better watched and liked then the past seasons… I bet they don't factor that into their data models! 😁

  2. “A synthoid is a fictional type of artificial lifeform. The term originated on the television cartoon series G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, and has since been used in other media as well.”

  3. The first two seasons of Picard weren't very good, it starts getting good at season 3…
    Sounds similar to another show, can't put my finger on it…

  4. I'm invested in this plot of a guy from Jersey, who's a Star Trek fan, getting a chance to write a good Trek show. Will these dramatic Californians let him? Find out next time on… Whatever this is.

  5. the talk about section 31 made me go like WAIT A MINUTE.. shouldnt they know whats going on? They only exist in the dark shadows with their dark means to PREVENT THIS EXACT SCENARIO… But it seems like they´ve cultivated it. xD

  6. the data coming back thing, they could have easily had the golem fail as it was unfinished or poorly made from Soong and thats why he was tied into the station, when on board the titan, the body fails but gordie manages to upload salavge the positronic brain and hook it to the titan via the holo emitters and young data comes back and looks at the crew and goes one moment, and ages up and says that he feels easier if he looks like his contemparies and you could have it be a moment where they all realise how old and fat they are, then move on, in the long run, the the doctors mobile emitter and you could have bob picardo for a scene too.

  7. I watched this after seeing episode 8 and I'm interested to know if Mike and Rich would be a little more positive if this was recorded after that instead of 7. Still two episodes to mess it up though!

  8. Here is what I am guessing: Jack is actually a Changeling. The red vines he sees in his visions represent the great link. That's what it means when he hears Beverly's voice saying : find us, connect us." But for what purpose? Time will tell.

  9. Again, don't forget that Soong androids DO age. It's rather explicitly stated in several episodes in TNG, namely in Inheritance (S7E10):

    La Forge: "It's part of her aging program. Not only does she age in appearance like Data, her vital signs change too."

  10. How about an episode where they just have an ambassador type visit to some plannet and then things start getting weird and we wrap up the episode and move on
    See how long we can go without explosions happening?

  11. Episode 8 managed to undercut rich and mike so damn hard with their prediction

    The worries were suddenly poofed and even the show itself admits we dont know who the big bad is

    This is so much like original trek with waiting for the reveal at the very end. Love it.


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