Star Trek Fleet Week: Ten Forward Weekly

For Fleet Week, we’re announcing four new ships!


16 thoughts on “Star Trek Fleet Week: Ten Forward Weekly”

  1. Nice!! New FED carriers!! Honestly, the Seneca alone would've grabbed my interest, but the Valdres with the Valkyrie fighters Made this a done deal for me!!!! Oh, please tell me we can put a quad cannon on the Seneca!? Also the Connie Family remaster! Got to love the Connie family getting the full treatment, I've still got my Physical Collector Edition put up and safe. Very nice to see Excalibur and Vesper reworks, and I can't wait to see what you do with the Exeter Remaster!

  2. Can you atleast address the fact that the most recent patch for xbox has rolled back graphics and performance to a pre xbox one standard? Down from 60 to 30 fps, colours are faded almost grayed.
    It is unplayable.
    No word about this from devs, as a paying customer this is one in a long line of blatant acts of disregard for your customers.
    How can I in good conscience spend money on your game now?

  3. It sickens me that you all sit there casually showing off what you would have us gamble hundreds on…
    Fix the fucking game your pathetic incompetent fools.
    You cannot allow another hit to your rep.
    A simple patch, unannounced changes RUINED THE GSME ON CONSOLE.

  4. If you don't fix the game on xbox promptly. Or announce what you have done.
    I will travel to your office and shed me some incompetent nerd blood.
    I'm disgruntled and you are ignoring the issue.
    I will come.

  5. Any chance a little attention could be paid to the model and texture work in the social zones, in particular Starfleet Academy. I know it was 'reworked' recently, but it looks more atrocious now than it did previously. You guys know how trees, water, rocks and sky looks, right? If not outsource it, failing that, if budget is so tight for everything beyond ships, contact some modders. As players we spend a huge amount of time at these locations, far more time than anyone does zooming in and looking at ship details.


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