Star Trek Discovery Season 5 Episode 10 Breakdown & Review!

I go through the season finale for Star Trek Discovery Season 5 Episode 10 entitled “Life, Itself” give my breakdown and review including some big reveals and surprises!
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41 thoughts on “Star Trek Discovery Season 5 Episode 10 Breakdown & Review!”

  1. Thank God its over. I remember when it all began in 2017 with Captain Lorca and the Klingons and just watched in horror as it descended into this. I really hope that Strange new Worlds doesn't end up like this.

  2. I didn't like the series finale ( or the series for that matter), but I did like what you appear to dislike the most. They were severely outnumbered, so wiping out all the enemy ships at once was tactically good and efficient, giving more time for story and relationships. And I thought separating the saucer was an ingenious solution. I love any solution that involves quantum entanglement.

  3. I'm still a bit torn by the whole thing, but thankfully the finale was more like the finale for Babylon 5 than for Enterprise, so Jonathan Frakes has learned a lot over the years!

  4. Good riddance to the worst Star Trek series of all time. Too woke. Too much soap opera. Season 1 & 2 was worthy of watching with Lorca, Emperor Georgiou & the battle with control. Season 3 should've explored the evolution of control & the beginning of the Borg. Instead, they took a leap into extreme lunacy & terrible story lines

  5. This Finale was utter rubbish, a pretentious send off to a forgettable Star Trek Show that thankfully we’ll never see again, thank goodness, I hated this iteration of Star Trek, it started strongly with the Vulcan Hello from Season One & apart from the Introduction of Spock & Captain Pike, even those two couldn’t save this terrible Show? The only thing I’d give then credit for was the special effects but apart from that it was dismal & that Discovery Crew, does anyone remember anyone of them, so forgettable? This is a Show that tried to cater to every Woke perverted Hollywood diversity group in existence, LGBTQ Characters, BLM & other tired stereotypes & satisfying no one in the process, certainly not any Old skool Trekkie Fan? Good riddance!

  6. I think the final moments should have been Discovery being placed in the Starfleet museum. They could have shown the newly rendered Enterprise J. The Altair class, and maybe a few others to bridge the gap. Being in a museum, the ships would have survived the burn because their warp cores would not have been active.

  7. Probably just me, but I got a lot of "Star Wars: Ahsoka" (or the animated series Star Wars: Rebels) vibes from the portal… ala World Between Worlds, and there was a lot that still wasn't explained even with the longer finale.

    Also a bit funny, and Star Trek didn't let us down in this respect (which you sort of alluded to in your breakdown/review) … but Burnham really is "Space Jesus" isn't she? (don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all 5 seasons of Discovery … but I cracked up when my friend first coined that phrase haha.)

  8. Star Trek in the 32nd century is very fantastic. I personally don't like the personal transporter. Is Spore drive technology even feasible? Don't be so cynical about the last scene with the crew.

  9. This season, like the rest, had it's moments. But, like the rest, it had too damn much wishy-washy, touchy-feely, pencil-neck, pantywaist crap. Imminent danger and these clowns always have to pause and talk about their feelings. A crew of weaklings who would never have made it on Kirk or Picard's Enterprise. Worf would have thrown them all out the nearest airlock. This show is simply not worthy of the Star Trek legacy.

  10. Not to yuck, anybody’s yum, but this show really was not for me. I’ve never been a hater of the show and I’ve watched every episode but now that this chapter in Star Trek is closed. I must say the characters the plot and the show in general just seem to be really Muddled. To shame because I’m really like the actors particularly Doug Jones but the show never found its Footing. Sigh. Maybe this is the transition we needed in order to take Star Trek into a modern era with shows like strange new worlds.

  11. Just watched the finale episode. I agree with your comments but I find your delivery to be too kind, or maybe that's just you😂. It felt like half the episode was saying goodbye (seemingly glad goodbyes coz no tears in evidence – it's like everyone's happy it's over). The progenitors where brought back but didn't take center stage. They were also diminished. They weren't "progenitors" after all. They're more like "preservers". So, what was the point of it all? Expectedly, (I wonder who didn't expect it) Michael Burnham won the challenge, despite the predictable and flawed weak character of Moll (pls. the name?) as competitor, and, of course, didn't take the reward. The common "it's too dangerous" cop out was speechified. Then, after a brief, "we're gonna keep this secret" session the tech-whatever it was coz it was never shown-was dumped in the blackhole. Now, that's not logical! Burnham ALONE learned all the stuff revealed by the progenitor, the logical thing to do, since she concluded that the secret is too dangerous for anyone to control, is to tell a white lie then proceed to dump the portal in the black hole cause that too is dangerous. Then the long goodbyes begin with smatterings of easter eggs and long standing characters who were not seen in any part of the episode appear suddenly to get a hug from Burnham. And, some reveals, w/c are nice but have nothing to do w/ the story. The proper term overall is indeed "disatisfying" (honestly, it could apply to the entire season. Rainer was the only thing relatively good in the whole arc and yet, he "magically" (like that term you used) appeared in the story. That scene of the starships diving saucer sections first into the sand of a planet would make a good epitaph. Goodbye, indeed. I feel like you won't be missed!'

  12. so does Burnham just die on the ship or what? having a hard time figuring what possible in-universe explanation there would be for the de-re-fit to fit in with a Short Trek.

  13. So Discovery/Zora waited 1k years for the red directive – so how did Burnham know about Craft? Time travel shenanigans??

    Daniels reveal was just 👌👌 and I truly hope we get more of this type of Trek.

  14. The gates in the Progenitor’s portal that lead to different sceneries and environments Burnham called “labs”, could actually be jump gates and those “labs” could actually be real planets, not just labs mimicking planets. It seems to me a bit silly to design life for a specific environment and then go search the entire galaxy for a planet with such an environment. So maybe this portal contains jump gates connecting to places all over the galaxy, jump gates leading to many, maybe even to all, planets in the galaxy.

  15. I love this season and finale! I think it was one of the best seasons of Discovery. I didn’t need another huge battle at the finale, this season was more cerebral than action packed and I loved it.

  16. Ok… 1st off i like Discovery. BUT i have a couple of issues with the final episode. How did Zora, Burnham, and Discovery spore drive away by themselves withut Stamits or Book to nsvigate? Also, if navigation was possible then why not have Stamits credited for his legacy? Discovery shoud have ended up in the fleet museum as an interactive exhibit under or recrew with Zora made a member of Starfleet


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