Star Trek: 10 Worlds You Will NEVER Visit

Book your two days and two nights elsewhere, as these worlds are no captainโ€™s holiday!

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46 thoughts on “Star Trek: 10 Worlds You Will NEVER Visit”

  1. So you all are good with the barbaric practices on Rubicun 3?
    Stubbed my toe on a potted plant there, 50 years later, after my release from their penal colony, my wife and shitzu are dead, my kids
    Don't call my dearest father and we made peace with the Collective.
    Not even sure if I recognize the galaxy i grew up in….

  2. I was watching this earlier, and all of a sudden, it paused, I thought it was part of the gag, y'know THIS VIDEO REDACTED๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    But no, then a message says THIS VIDEO IS PRIVATE, I'm like "What?!?"

  3. First time I've seen this GTN gimmick… It's kinda fun, but needs a different host. I know Tom Roberts-Finn is a real(ish) person – so why does he sound like an AI generated voice?

  4. CNN (Cardassian News Network) reports: Federation Nationalists attack Jem Hadar refugees peacefully seeking asylum. "Violence is part of Jem Hadar culture. Let them attack you, bigot!"

  5. I'm gonna be very controversial, I really liked the GTN stuff this time. Ironically when everyone else didn't like it. I thought it was a great list and I thought the list was actually helped out by the whole news bit

  6. this gimmick does not work for you guy. none of you are funny enough or can act well enough to pull this off. please, keep doing what you do so well and just make standard videos.

  7. If 1 day on the planet us a bit over a second real time, you don't have to sign away your life just to visit. You could go there, spend a year and be back before your ramen noodles are ready.

  8. 0:59: ๐ŸŒ Thomas C Drexler uncovers 10 worlds in the Galaxy that are off-limits to visitors.
    5:00: ๐Ÿ” The video discusses the mysterious Laru sector and its connection to secret Starfleet directives.
    7:45: ๐Ÿš€ The video discusses Wesley's research catastrophe on the Enterprise D and the explosion of Praxis.
    10:08: ๐Ÿš€ The video discusses various topics related to Starfleet, including the ban on Talos 4, Captain Pike, and the Romulan catastrophe.
    Recapped using TammyAI


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