Star Citizen player reacts to Starfield showcase

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Today I wanted to react to the Starfield games showcase



34 thoughts on “Star Citizen player reacts to Starfield showcase”

  1. I wonder how it'll feel like. One thing is to be massive in scope but if it feels too artificial or empty (Like early No Man's Sky) then it might not be the best experience.

    What gives me hope though is the seemingly quite numerous handcrafted content with plenty of NPC's to give live to the Universe.

    I wonder if it'll have "This Colony needs help, let me mark it on your Starmap." content or if it'll be vast but finite overall. Kinda hoping that it'll be a mix of the two, as in plentiful designed missions and sort of addon procedual quests to do once one would have otherwise finished all/much of the Quests.

  2. Game looks cool but it’s honestly sad that they simply couldn’t let star citizen be unique. When companies all start making the same type of game it simply doesn’t stay special. Look at battle royals for an example same with call of duty

  3. Since we know the production qualitie of former titels that we could enhance or literarelly patch using mods the fact that ther was no mentioning of mods should give some thought

  4. When i saw the first trailers i was skeptical, after I saw Starfield-Direct I was hyped! You talked about framerate at some point and to me it felt like 60 FPS when I saw the original stream!

  5. The game looks really good and a lot of fun to play but honestly I have had it with these idiots that want to try and compare it to Star Citizen! In the larger scope of these games Starfield clearly does not even touch the level of detail, scale, amount of function, interaction and overall fidelity that is being built into SC! Not to take away from what SF is or offers but enough of the comparison because other than they are both based in space is where the similarity ends! I do think Starfield is going to give players that game play we have been promised by CIG for way too long and I think it will help tide us over and give us that space game play we have been craving but its never going to be able to compete with SC when it starts getting its polish passes! Still I think there are some things in this game that CIG should take note of and maybe wake up to the fact that we dont need the over the top fidelity they are building into SC!

  6. Never forget what that Wiesel Howard from Bethesda did with fallout 76 and the way he lies and treat players like crap…until is not a fully finished product you won't see my money…already, the fact that I cannot land and depart a planet thru atmosphere all the way is a let down..but will see….never in my life will believe this scumbag Howard again….must be a helluva game to change my opinion..

  7. I'm not convinced by this one.

    But I haven't liked any Bethesda game that I've tried so far and I don't think this one is going to change my mind.

    I've never liked their control schemes, art style or choice of dialogue.

    Once again this is too cartoony for me and doesn't look well designed. There's also a lot of corner cutting going on here.

    I also really dislike skill trees and gated gameplay. It takes away a lot of the fun.

  8. They didnt mention it in this showcase but there was an interview today with Todd and he mentions that the game will be locked to 30fps on console and uncapped on PC… From my understanding at least. It was a brief mention and I was preoccupied with something else so id double check if thats true.

  9. I def wish SC finished their single player campaign first before anything else to push the envelope further, would’ve brought more player base imo and made the release of what they have nowadays an even bigger deal. I can’t help but feel like the campaign will seem antiquated compared to what should have been when they finally release it, if ever… SF looks great for single player fans though. Simplified and fun.

  10. The terrain of the planets is the same for everyone. It doesn't generate like No Man's Sky. There are however dynamic LOCATIONS, and events that generate in different spots on planets. That's what they meant.

  11. So….this is….Bethesda…deciding to out-do No Man's Sky /and/ Star Citizen. //Bethesda//.
    The company whose working definition of "Customer" = "Free High Stress Paying-THEM-to-work-for-them, end user experience expert Beta Tester." that hasn't launched a game in it's history that didn't need significant day-1 patches, and by "patches" they of course mean "Modders, fixing our shit for free." THAT Bethesda wants to try something that is infinitely scaling in complexity (sophistication). Huh. Truly, the end times.

  12. "not limited by where you could go or what you could do" sounds nice but the one thing not shown, perhaps i missed it, is atmospheric flight. you select the landing point on the 3d planet using the map and the ship lands at the selected location and presumably auto takes off to space, so ships are just movable bases like outer worlds, it also doesn't seem EVA will be a thing.

  13. Starfield won't kill Star Citizen but it will certainly pull away countless thousands of hours of Star Citizen alpha testers time. Myself being one of them. I've been a Star Citizen backer since 2013 and active tester however,.. There comes a point where I just want to play a finished product. If Starfield is even 75% of what it claims to be, I'll be spending way more time in it then SC. If Squadron 42 was coming out at the same time it would be a different story. CIG needs to give is something tangible to grab onto with SQ42 soon IMO. You know they pay close attention to their competitors so hopefully this will nudge them to give us a big SQ42 update.


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