Queen Elizabeth II lies in state at Westminster Hall – 9/14 (FULL LIVE STREAM)

Thousands of Britons line the streets as Queen Elizabeth II is transferred via gun carriage from Buckingham Palace to lie in state in Westminster Hall. She will lie in state for four full days as the public and leaders from around the world come to pay their respects.

The public will be able to visit 24 hours a day between 5 p.m. local time on Wednesday and 6.30 a.m. on the day of the funeral, Monday, Sept. 19. During that time, the queen’s closed coffin will lie on a raised platform known as a catafalque, draped in the flag of the sovereign with the orb and scepter — symbols of the monarchy — placed on top.

After the funeral, the coffin will go to Windsor Castle, just outside of London, and she will be buried next to her husband, Prince Philip, at St. George’s Chapel.

The Post’s Libby Casey will anchor live coverage of the queen’s procession from Washington. Rhonda Colvin and Hannah Jewell will provide updates along the procession route in London. Read more: https://wapo.st/3Bchilf. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: https://wapo.st/2QOdcqK

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47 thoughts on “Queen Elizabeth II lies in state at Westminster Hall – 9/14 (FULL LIVE STREAM)”

  1. So, let me get this straight.First,you have to join a queue,in order to join the real queue.Then for 24 hours you have to keep shuffling along to cover 5 miles.Eventually you get to stand in front of a coffin for 10 seconds……then you go home. And this is after thousands of years of evolution,you call these people Homo sapiens……..wise men !!!!!!

  2. It is very heartening to read lovely comments here from our friends around the world who had respect for our late Queen. I am glad that she had her Platinum Jubilee a couple of months ago. We will never forget her tireless service to the country and Commonwealth.

  3. Re the Queens Vigil…… Those sewer rat Rich and Privileged crawling out from the balcony on the left and cutting into the queue do themselves nor the Queen any honour. If they think they are above queuing for 12 hours like the rest of the public they should feel nothing but shame for themselves. Black Rod who organised this to allow them should resign or be fired. They remind me of the Generals from the first world war who drank wine ten miles behind the front line while sending the Tommy's over the top. Then having them shot at dawn for cowardice if they lost their nerve.

  4. Just remember your queen did nothing to prevent you from being abused by the government in regards to COVID management! Yet they now allow millions to be close together for her service. As queen she had the power to stop the corruption that occurred under Boris but she left them to oppress the people and crush an already struggling healthcare system. They told us trust the science and social distance… now they ignore that simply because a long serving monarch died. You couldn’t have all your family at loved ones funerals but the whole world is welcomed to throw a celebration in person for her. Double standards of the powerful.

  5. Yesssss more PPL are watching because the two brothers has come together as one …and PPL are sick of the Media especially CNN and others trying to divide them. They are as one brother's… Young , Seasoned and Elderly PPL are sick of media trying to try to disrespect Harry he is a part of this family just as much as everyone else no matter where he lives he is a British and a Britain deserves respect.

  6. Too much of anything becoming almost paganism. Overdone and Too British …. An institution for the British yet the nation is full of morally decaying societies filled with Odinism and paganism

  7. The world has lost another precious & compassionate soul.. Rest In Peace, Queen Elizabeth II… Lucky ✨ are the millions/ billions who interacted with Queen Elizabeth II during the 70 years of her reign and inspired by her joyful & genuine personality and life… 🫡💕🙏👼

  8. Thoughts I’ve had 🤔 1. When did coffin and Hearse arrive at Balmoral? (Tv cameras were on the gates from hours before her death announced was there a back entrance I’ve the hills and rivers…? Was there a hearse and coffin and embalmer resident in Balmoral for such a time as this)
    2. When did corpse get embalmed prior to leaving Balmoral? A body would begin to get a bit wiffy to say least ( if not on ice – could Thisbe a refrigerated coffin ⚰️??) 🫣
    3. What outfit is Queen 👗 wearing inside coffin ⚰️ ?
    3. What I’m did the Queen did of suddenly?
    Asking because I’ve been with three ppl when they died, it’s slow, and gruelling as organs shut down one by one; Takes time to die naturally.

    4. Is it likely a corpse of anyone be paraded, driven, carried, on out, shake it all about, around for a week in all this brilliant sunshine covered by little more than a flag…. Let alone the Queens corpse ?
    These questions should have to been addressed by the public instead of mindlessly swallowing any old guff.

    I don’t believe that’s a lead coffin. I don’t believe there was any time to embalm the body. And even if embalmed, a corpse decomposes naturally unless in the fridge/freezer.

    Surely I’m not the only one that feels Something doesn’t seem right….

  9. This disgusting display of royal inequality wastes £ millions while the ordinary people of the UK face fuel and food poverty! Utterly abhorrent institution! How fxcking dare they!? Any who attended this pompous display of warped ego should be ashamed of themselves.

  10. That room – the hall was built in 1097! It has witnessed the entire modern (last 1000 years) of our nations story. It has Survived the civil war, the great fire of London, and two world wars and the blitz And now this room holds the greatest of all our nations monarchs.
    Thanks to all the world for so many nice comments. There is so much love in this world still, and I find it inspiring.
    May the Queen rest in peace


  11. For Ms Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor as a person, I have such great admiration. I don’t know why. Is it karma? I liked the way she moved her hand. I liked how strong she remained in her position. So much happened in her long life, and through it all, she stood like a mountain.

    But as a queen? I don’t know. If she had apologized for the genocides, looting, robbery, enslavement, and all the other atrocities committed by the British, around the globe, then I may have liked her as a queen too. But that won’t happen now.

  12. Interesting that now they're letting people go by the coffin individually instead of moving everyone past in a couple of constantly moving lines. They must have overestimated how many people were left to go and now they think they might run out of mourners before the hall has to close.

    ETA: Now they're back to the constantly moving lines. Wonder why they changed it temporarily?

  13. in 2022
    There is something strange and interesting at the same time
    Has anyone but me noticed that Queen Elizabeth II died at the same age that she became Queen of Britain in 1952, if we start counting the years from the year Princess Diana was murdered in 1997 to 2022..
    It's really interesting and weird

  14. England cant be the same after our beloved mother Queen Elizabeth return back home to the lord an joining hand bye hand with her beloved husband Prince Philip who is waiting for Queen Elizabeth to be with Him once again United in Heaven kingdom for ever an ever salute my beloved Mother Queen Elizabeth from Malaysia by vasantha

  15. I would suggest for anyone who is watching the pump in London about QE2's funeral ; to check the channel " Democracy NOW " !!! They invited several prominent figures of Kenya and other locations, included in the British Commonwealth. Their comments about colonialism and the atrocities committed during these times, are eye openers. We, evidently have not been well informed about the history behind this group that has mainly benefitted the Brits and mostly the monarchy. An absolute must see !!!!

  16. Sending love and condolences to Queen Elizabeth II's family and all the people of the UK from Nigeria. My family and I admire her wisdom, leadership, courage, and great sense of humor. Her Majesty will greatly be missed…

  17. They put the Great back in Britain 🇬🇧 spiritually I promised ma’am I would be there after she showed a few times sending her love to her family. England have been very lucky to such a loyal caring Queen 🥰 along with her husband Phillip I was privileged to see them both watching the parade as her royal family walked behind the coffin I’m sending my heart felt love to the royal family. God bless them all 🇬🇧🙏🇬🇧


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