Spooky cocktail [Blood Punch]

I have known Adrian Eustaquio for a long time. We wouldn’t be buddies if it wasn’t for tiki. The episode was filmed live from his …


21 thoughts on “Spooky cocktail [Blood Punch]”

  1. Great episode, as always, but there is one SERIOUS thing I have to comment on: if you should stop mentioning the rum brands and other brands you use, that would significantly affect the informatical (a new word there?) side of your show. Your show is THE PLACE where I get the ideas for what rums to buy. Where else am I going to get that information? I will not start buying random rums to try at these booze prices. So please, pretty please with sugar on top, keep showing what brands you use even if the other guy doesn't. (Blaming the rum makers for not sponsoring is a cop-out).

  2. Love the show, and great tip on the ‘golden ratio.’ Could you do a show on how to find, collect, and use music to set atmosphere in a home bar? I’d love some help curating my ‘tiki’ vinyl collection!

  3. Dang, I live 10 minutes surface streets from Tony's…been to the pier loads of times…ate at the lower portion of Tony's once or twice…I gotta get over there to the top! I wasn't as into tiki and cocktails back then in my defense…lol…was there for the kids…


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