Spirit Battles Episode 1: Vigilante vs. God

As Christians, should we judge people? How do we approach new believers who aren’t following the Word of God? How do we witness to people who don’t know God?

I had a lot of fun with this video! If you enjoyed the video, hit the like and subscribe! And if you want me to make more videos like these, let me know in the comment section. I will post the lyrics in the comment section as well. Thank you guys once again for watching and I will see you next time!


1 thought on “Spirit Battles Episode 1: Vigilante vs. God”

  1. Vigilante Round 1:
    Before we get started, allow me to set the tone
    You see, I am the God called guardian of the throne
    I am the masked crusader looking out, sitting on my perch
    I am the bringer of justice to a befallen church
    Much like the word “literally”, Christianity has lost its meaning
    I’ve seen the Devil creeping in the doorway so I start intervening
    Too many believers consumed by pastors on a TV (ATV) with the drive to take them off track
    Progressives pushing Your Word, not as transformation but as justification so spiritually they slack
    The church needs a front line to enforce Your truth
    Show them they can’t make a connection from afar like Bluetooth
    I’m here to eliminate the secular and reestablish holy tranquility
    And that’s why this ain’t a battle at all, because you’re using me and my ability

    God Round 1
    I couldn’t help but notice did you make that mask?
    I thought so because this calling of yours is just a man made task
    I’m the Savior of the world, through me all are saved by grace
    But the way your will (Smith) is walking up to (Chris) rock is a slap in the face
    I don’t need you to be the voice of judgement driving people away with eviction
    How could you bring justice to the church, when I’m the only one who brings conviction?
    Repercussions are mine to enforce
    Behind closed doors
    Fight sin from the source
    Yet, you seem to think sin is something I endorse
    Do my ways have you perplexed?
    You have to understand, I’m a complex God you just have a God complex
    I get your anger, but justice doesn’t come from your own two hands
    All I ask is that you would trust in me and believe in my plan

    Vigilante Round 2
    Never meant to question your authority
    But you know it’s difficult to watch the world’s conformity
    It’s hard to remove sin from the church as you can tell
    You’d have an easier time removing Tom Brady from the NFL
    You have to know when to cast your stone
    When they show up with tattoos and piercings, I can’t condone
    They aren’t into worship they listen to Eminem and Post Malone
    They praise witchcraft, watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
    Not everyone listens to the God on His throne
    They ask for silence of the Lamb because they have a taste for flesh and bone
    How do you expect me to not stand up for the very words You have spoken?
    Not everyone wants to be saved, somethings were meant to stay broken
    They’ve chosen their side because it’s the truth they refuse to embrace
    So stand up for the church, and put darkness back in its place

    God Round 2
    Who are you to question the actions of the LORD?
    If someone’s faith is on life support, who are you to pull the cord?
    Eminem and Harry Potter? So that means you know their heart?
    You judge new believers from the start
    Ambush them with such pride, verbally tearing them apart
    Think “Montreal Screwjob”, because the way you have them pinned has you cheating the heart
    They take a step forwards, you push them two steps away
    They’re drawn in by my love, but damaged by the words you say
    Church hurt causing scar after scar the more they stay
    I’m trying to provide rescues to those who call, you’re over here causing mayday
    Why do they need to live up to your standards and seek your favor?
    They don’t look like Christians? To the Pharisees I didn’t look like the Savior
    Have faith that I’m working underneath the surface
    Let me work and trust the Spirit is in service

    Vigilante Round 3
    So you say that I should let this go
    That there’s behind the scenes action that I don’t know
    But what exactly do you want me to do though
    I’m watching evil happening all around me in slo mo
    These new guys, maybe they do want to give you praise
    Yet they refuse to remove their minds from the haze
    Abortion, LGBTQ, drugs and booze, that’s where their beds lay
    Believe in You but despise what You say
    I’m not the stand up guy who’ll stand aside while you leave me on stand by that’s not the plan I stand behind
    I’ll give them the true test for men
    Maybe it’s harsh, but they need the Old Testament
    I see the church worshipping golden calfs before the throne
    Give me a reason not to bring back the fire and brimstone
    How could you despise the method, but still share the same mission?
    I hate sin as much as you do, I dwell for righteousness too it’s the same ambition
    But go ahead let the enemy run the church amuck
    Let them repeat the cycle of sin, just know in the end I’m the one trying to get them unstuck

    God Round 3
    Why don’t we discuss the reason you wear that mask in the first place?
    Beyond the church, before you ran the race
    You were stuck in the darkest of times
    Dug yourself in a hole too deep to climb
    Until I stretched out my arm to pull you out
    You’ve seen my love working first hand and yet you still doubt
    You wear that mask showing off your righteousness, hiding your past
    Then turn around and forget you’re a sinner too, grab your stones and cast
    But let me remind you, you weren’t drawn in by rules and legislation
    You were attracted by my love in manifestation
    It was my unconditional love and grace in your depression that put you on track
    For those faithful to (2) wait (8) I’m tailored for the blue like the Colts’ running back
    And now you are blessed with the chance to witness to people like you everyday
    But it’s a flip of the magnet, instead of being attracted to me they’re polarized by everything you say
    Love them the way that I’ve loved you, forgiving despite the iniquity
    Not saying to let them do it wittingly
    To put up a blind eye to misdeeds in the vicinity
    Nor get in their face so cynically
    But to encourage and correct them in your ministry
    Show them the love of God that will burn for them and for you for infinity


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