Spirit Airlines Employee Fights A Female Passenger At DFW Airport! #shorts

Spirit Airlines Employee Fights A Female Passenger At DFW Airport!

#shorts #worldstarshorts


27 thoughts on “Spirit Airlines Employee Fights A Female Passenger At DFW Airport! #shorts”

  1. All I could think of was a couple of 6 year olds in the backseat arguing about everything!!! Stop touching me!!! I'm not touching you!!! Get out of my space!!! I'm not in your space!!! MOMMA!!! 🤣🤣

  2. All of these people in the comments condoning this man hitting a woman is sad. Restrain her yes but throwing punches is a No. Feminine men see themselves as women tho so.

  3. Sorry but it’s not right when women hit men and then other guys attack the guy when he defends himself. If the genders are to be equal then they should be able to defend Themselves even from a person of the opposite gender. This woman could’ve scratched his eye out, she could’ve gouged him with one of her anger claws, She could’ve caused him any manner of injury that would lead to financial stress due to needing treatment. Why should his life or his body be adversely affected by a woman who cannot have the self-control to keep her hands to herself? Why is whatever she is going through important enough that she gets to put her hands on him? Things cannot be as cut and dry as a man can never hit a woman because women don’t respect that and keep their hands off men. And plenty of women can do damage to a man, ask John Bobbitt. You wanna go play the hero puffed up anger man in the blue shirt? Go find a football player basketball player that beat on his wife regularly and pop yourself up in front of him? Leave this man alone he just faced off with a succubus.

  4. They are both wrong. The employee should have not followed her around in her face like that, Y? It was like he wanted it to go left. Hello its Covid n Monkey Pox season, get out my face sir/maam.🙄 Also, she was wrong for hitting him omg. This is crazy. Where were the men and security before it got this far? Sheesh

  5. Men constantly screaming that equal shit to excuse their abusiveness, toxic masculinity, and hate for women! YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN A WOMEN, WITH A BIG STANK ASS MAN YELLING IN YOUR FACE. And felt helpless/ embarrassed, and saw an opportunity and had to take it! It’s extremely scary that most of y’all are congratulating this man on using his male rage to beat a women! Shows you hate women! And that a lot of y’all are abusive in your homes! Shows y’all beat your daughters, and in the future she will allow that! Women for centuries have been looked at as weak, taking mental, physical, and verbal abuse…. Expected to just deal with it. Women are JUST as tired! So yes we want equality in terms of respect and acceptance, especially when we do something wrong! DONT FORGET THERE WAS A TIME WHEN WOMEN WERE CONSIDERED A MANS PROPERTY…. Beating and hitting a women was appropriate! There are still cultures where men are above women, and she can be stoned to death by men, for the same crimes a man might commit!!!!! UNDERSTAND THAT WOMEN ARE TIRED! And most men a narcissistic and could care less!

  6. Exactly @XRP, It's ok for a woman to strike a man, but when shit get real, a man should never hit a woman. If a woman stay in a womans place, no need to worry. Always a blacc K🦝🦝N to play captain save a hoe!!!!!! We are truly our worst enemy!!!!

  7. Well let me say this. Instead of recording call 911 or find TSA. I don’t do Spirit nor don’t care for the service. I wish he kept it professional knowing you work at Spirit and know how these individuals are whether you get nice or extremely rude keep your cool and think of your coins! And lastly She has no business touching a man and disrespecting a man at all all that ratchetness got what it was well deserved!


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