"Spells Trouble" Commander Deck | Build-Your-Own Precon For Less Than $45 | Magic The Gathering

“Spells Trouble” Decklist: https://archidekt.com/decks/4086276#Raff_%22Precon%22_EDH

“Counter Blessings” Commander Deck | Build-Your-Own Precon For Less Than $45: https://youtu.be/67B1kcUyRmQ

Let’s Play The Booster Box Game For Phyrexia: All Will Be One | Opening Magic: The Gathering Packs: https://youtu.be/pLwW_ZSmdS4

Who Is The ONE Best Commander From Phyrexia: All Will Be One: https://youtu.be/FeN_4wjc94I

Magic: The Gathering Is About To Change Forever | The Professor’s Preposterous Predictions: https://youtu.be/ErUDHPPw88M

A reminder that my Discord has a 100% free “Looking For Game” section, with games of everything from Commander to Modern (and even Pauper) firing off. So if you want to get some webcam Magic, just check out https://discord.gg/tolariancommunitycollege

#MagicTheGathering #mtg #tolariancommunitycollege

►This episode is brought to you thanks to our wonderful Patreon community. Join to support the show, or just Shuffle Up & Play with other awesome people on our Patron Discord by going to https://www.Patreon.com/TolarianCommunityCollege

►This show is made in part due to Card Kingdom. You can help us out by visiting our affiliate link at https://www.CardKingdom.com/TCC


34 thoughts on “"Spells Trouble" Commander Deck | Build-Your-Own Precon For Less Than $45 | Magic The Gathering”

  1. I'd personally like to see if it is possible to see a deck using an Akroma card or an Eldrazi as the commander or possibly Gisela, Blade of Goldnight (again if it is possible).

  2. Build your own series of: King Macar, the Gold-Cursed.

    Inspired is one of those mechanics I think would be amazing to return right now since we have more crew and other tap mechanics.

  3. Loving this series so far! Convinced a friend of mine to build an Ezuri shenanigans deck with that first one. Would love too see some unorthodox builds to embrace the chaos that budget decks often become like my personal favorite deck to play Satoru Umezawa

  4. Prof keeps saying he is bad at deck building. Who built these decks?!

    I like this series of videos and look forward to more. Mirroring the other comments asking for a shuffle up and play with 4 of these "precon"s.

  5. It's so cool that this is going to become a series! I'm just getting back into Magic after a LONG hiatus (long as in I haven't played since Shadowmoor) and I'd love to get a good list for a Sythis or any enchantment-heavy WG commander!

  6. Made this deck previously and I found the best 'ramp' card in the deck was "Settle the Wreckage". Nothing quite like attacking with 8 tokens to exile them and find 8 lands…. love the content as always!

  7. I don’t understand what’s so special about this build-your-own precon series. Aren’t these just deck techs in a different wrapper? Are we all getting excited over just a name?

  8. Hi prof! Thnx for this briljant precon! I build it and it’s amazing. I added a card called Genesis Wave, it was fun when I had 12 mana’s and in one time had my battlefield full. Again it’s a great deck thnx!!!


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