Space Marines Are Back At It! | Best Armies in 40k 3.10.24 Edition

More TacticalTortoise:

00:00 Intro
00:45 Metagame Breakdown
02:44 Necrons
05:16 World Eaters
07:09 Death Guard
09:03 Black Templars
11:31 Space Wolves
13:47 Salamanders
15:56 T’au Empire
18:11 Adeptus Mechanicus
21:42 Outro


24 thoughts on “Space Marines Are Back At It! | Best Armies in 40k 3.10.24 Edition”

  1. The Black Templar list is wild! Cover the whole map with chainsword swinging madmen rocking 60+ attacks per squad…I'm all for it! Then the Salamander getting some love is just perfect. Never underestimate the power of Vulcan + Torrent + Immolation Protocol. Even the weakest Torrent weapon becomes a threat.

  2. If you look at the number of the "most played" analytic vs the "top players" analytic paints a much different pictures. Space marines and their whole are HIGHLY under powered with a few niche lists in the hands of top players.

  3. If by “marines are back” you mean “by sheer volume and by using several named characters they can pull wins in comp” then sure. But that isn’t new.
    A lot of named characters need to go up in points, while one character factions need their characters to come down. Also a lot of the core units are over costed. Less we forget the dangles codex needs almost a full rewrite to be decent.

  4. The ban is absolutely fair. Is peiple are going to jump ships and chase metas which in my mind is kind of against the spirit of 40k. Then they BETTER know their rules. Instead of just hunting the easiest ways to win.

  5. That BT list is near some of the late 9th edition style Black Tide. I think there's some play as more players tech into anti-vehicle. Running Uphold can further blunt the effectiveness of low quantity/high quality shots. 20 man PCS squads can chew through a ton of tough targets as well as tarpit big stuff they can't quite kill. The SB squad is a pointed cruise missile that will erase nearly anything in the game. I love that list!

  6. >nerf the entire faction rule of a faction down to almost nothing. >give every other faction cool new stuff for 10th ed. Oh shit now space marines are performing the worst! How could this have happened?”

  7. If it's his first time, sure a one year ban is fine….. But there also needs to be a snowballing repercussion system in place that follows "players of ill repute" across events (This is where upper level communication would need to be put in place so a hobby wide "wanted board" so to speak could be put in place.)
    1st = One year ban
    2nd = 3 year ban
    3rd = 5 year ban
    4th = Lifetime ban
    -Now here's how the snowball would work:
    -Once a 1st offense has been committed said person goes on the "wanted board" and they will be notified at other events that they have been "yellow flagged".
    -A "yellow flag" means that any offense committed at any other event will incur the punishment for a 2nd offence, but this is now across the board not just one event.
    -Once 2nd has been reached the player is "red flagged" and any offense will jump them to 3rd across the board.
    -A player at 3rd tier is now marked as "MOST WANTED" and further offense immediately earns them a lifetime ban across the board.

    This is only a 10 min spitball of a framework and I was really thinking of removing the 4th teir because someone reaching tier 3 has already more than proven they should be banned.

  8. Where do you find these lists? Bloodofkittens doesn’t seem to be updating their site frequently at all, and I am looking to check out the various versions of my factions army lists out there.


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