Southampton v. Arsenal | PREMIER LEAGUE HIGHLIGHTS | 10/23/2022 | NBC Sports

Arsenal couldn’t reestablish their four-point lead atop the Premier League after Stuart Armstrong’s second-half equalizer canceled …


37 thoughts on “Southampton v. Arsenal | PREMIER LEAGUE HIGHLIGHTS | 10/23/2022 | NBC Sports”

  1. Gabriel Jesus is completely worthless. He should have scored three goals today!.. Seasons after seasons just missing.. He is selfish, and not willing to fight. Arsenal needs a fighter in the front!..

  2. Terrible officiating in this game. Arsenal should have had a penalty and Lyanco should have been sent off for violent conduct. They were just having a field day fouling our attackers without any repercussions. It's all well and good, we move on to the next one. Coyg!

  3. Not enough quality coming off the bench, with Nketiah as your second striker you cant win leagues, poor window will be the reason Arsenal might not end up with the trophy!!


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