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37 thoughts on “SOUP AND HIS DAMN FLUTE! – GOONS #112”

  1. Hey guys! I’ve been watching you guys for 2 years now. Just wanted say that you guys are awesome! This podcast gets me going every morning. My birthday is on Monday, January 23rd so if you guys can give a birthday shoutout, that would make me so happy hearing that on that podcast!! Have a great year guys!

  2. Yah your talking bout Bryan star who did the interview with different bands with the same question nothing new every time. And then he was using the people for another YouTube channel call my digital escape which was just not great.. and then he did the hold emo/music artist even though he was almost in his mid 30s at that time. Just everything bout him was a snake on top of forcing the people to go on vans warped tour and just greed and money ruining it. Then he came out as gay thinking everyone would forget bout him. Etc.

  3. both my parents were super into nes and super nintendo before my sister and i were born. every satarday they would wake up and watch ren and stimpy then play zelda. my mom got my dad one of the snes jurassic park games and he only came out to eat and go to the bathroom till he beat it. He still would play with me here and there growing up and really started geting back into it before he passed. gaming parents are the best

  4. My crackpot theory to the demonstration in YouTube is that since they were losing money they would randomly choose videos to demonitize to save money u less ut was someone with a large following (like markiplier). Those youtibers in the top percent are excused but they screw with everyone else's money

  5. This is why I think YouTube should be completely hands off with the content on their platform. They are a public platform, not a private one.
    If they want to restrict stuff to the YouTube kids app, or YouTube kids program, fine.
    But don't carry those restrictions to the regular YouTube app or program.
    As for the demonetization thing, channels should sign up for a YouTube kids type of arrangement, under which they can be rated PG and whatnot.
    And the demonetizing shouldn't be happening to anyone, PG or otherwise.

  6. they talked about Quintin Tarantino's obsession with feet and didn't even mention how in from dusk till dawn he literally puts Salma hayek's foot in his mouth. Yes the guy is a freak and a half but he still makes damn good art.

  7. bro hearing them talk about playing wii sports with their parents gave me a flashback to my dad smacking me full force in the head twice by accident lmao once was boxing n the other was tennis shit made me laugh haven’t thought about that in years

  8. The only game my dad ever played was legend of Zelda wind waker and only because I was 4 or 5 at the time and couldn’t get past this one part of the game and he eventually got so into it he went online and printed out a full binder of a walk through for the game since it was the very early 2000’s

  9. How do I super like every video. Some of those demonetized ones I’ve seen before they got shut down and were funny. Or I’ve seen on other channels. You guys just have good jokes. Some people don’t have good sense of humor

  10. Dude I must have the stupidest music toothbrush in the world, mine played the super old them song to the original transformers cartoon from the 80's. Got old real fast and scary, sounded cursed when it started to die.


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