Sonic Reveal @ PlayStation State of Play (Generations Remastered?!)

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5 thoughts on “Sonic Reveal @ PlayStation State of Play (Generations Remastered?!)”

  1. I see no reason to be worried honestly yeah it’s gonna look like forces cause hedgehog engine 2 and as for the level design it doesn’t really look like it to me but as for controls I think it may be like frontiers open zone hopefully makes sense

  2. It looks a lot like forces which to me is bad, its made even worse by the fact gens looks stellar here and the shadow part looks like a straight up fan game with forces animations, models and all. It dissapoints me

  3. People saying forces I feel it’s looks more frontiers, and will probably play like frontiers. Like with sonic they probably took shadow model from forces. It just makes more sense to take the gameplay from there, because why the F would they go back to forces with how many hated it. Feel some people are judging the game too hard when we only got slightly over a minute of footage.


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