Sonic Frontiers: Kronos Island – Part 1 (PS5 60FPS)

It’s FINALLY here the day that I get to experience Sonic Frontiers alongside you guys! Also, this part gets a bit blurry at times but this will not be in Ares island/part 2
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21 thoughts on “Sonic Frontiers: Kronos Island – Part 1 (PS5 60FPS)”

  1. Sky Sanctuary took me like a good 5 tries to get the S Rank. I feel like it’s because I have to adjust to the Cyberspace mechanics and that there’s things I wanna do that I can’t do (like an Air Boost, which behaves pretty strange because sometimes it doesn’t even want to come out after certain actions) so I had to be smart with what I press and stuff. I honestly think Forces controls just a tad bit better than Cyberspace. The speed is apparent when you compare the two, and I hope they make a patch where they make us faster in Cyberspace (and also allow us to change the camera distance) and maybe make the ranking times a bit shorter due to the increase of speed. These are just my first impressions though. Can’t wait to beat this game.

  2. It took me a minute when I was fighting him to realize I could still do all of my regular moves, even the cyloop, as super sonic and they had an increased effect. If you cyloop Giganto, he gets yeeted into the air for you to attack. I was also laughing at each time you failed the parry because I LITERALLY did the same thing; Im assuming you tried timing the parry for when the enmy hits you or tried timing it so you release when the enemy hits you. Thats usually how parrys work in other games but in this game, you just gotta hold it the whole time. Took me WAAAY too long to get that lol smh

  3. I thought cyber space was not a requirement? But it’s needed for the keys? I suck at cyberspace. I love the open world though. I’ve been on the first island forever. I find it kind of tedious to go around and do this grocery list to get all of the emeralds. I’m ready to move on And I don’t get much better than a D rank every time.


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