THE IMMORTAL – Count of Saint Germain – Forgotten History

The Count of Saint Germain was a European adventurer who achieved prominence in European high society of the mid-18th century due to his achievements in science, alchemy, philosophy, the arts and… immortality. But how is this possible? Hosted by Mike Droberg. Forgotten History is a 10th Legion Pictures Production.
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About us: Host/Military Historian/Film Consultant/US Army and Marine Corps Veteran – Colin Heaton
Screenwriter/Director/Producer/US Marine Corps Veteran – Michael Droberg
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28 thoughts on “THE IMMORTAL – Count of Saint Germain – Forgotten History”

  1. Excellent presentation thank you, WOW, you might have heard of the Holy Spirit, this being,is what you might call a time traveler, traveling in the time demention, bless the truth and those who love it ☠️🐓🚬

  2. Remember even in the tallest of tales there's always a little bit of truth and I honestly believe there are people in the shadows that have figured out some sort of immortality or vampireism because that's literally the shit they're working on right now that says they reversed aging or stopped it all together. Will eventually know the truth but until then I guess the story is a story. But I believe there's a kernel of truth in everything. And there's a lot of darkness and evil in this world that people aren't even aware is here. In fact most people walk around like NPCs unaware of anything going on around them. There's a lot of things we don't know about that would completely blow people's minds or revolutionized complete new ways of thinking but most people just want to concern themselves with what's in front of their face and what they already know. I tend to be of the mindset that there is a lot more out there that we don't know about on that there's a lot behind the shadows of the world that most people just can't handle. I don't care if it's good or bad I just always want to know the real truth. That's what irritates me the most. Just tell me the fucking truth no matter how crazy wild and terrifying it might be I just want to always know the truths.

  3. Bill Murray: Does anyone in your family have a history of mental illness?
    Librarian: My uncle thought he was the reincarnation of St. Germain.
    Bill Murray: I'll take that as a big yes.

  4. Satan comes as an angel of light. He has the ability to possess those who invite him in. Very Old indeed, yet appearing as young. JESUS defeated him going to the cross, then rising from the dead. All Praise KING JESUS!

  5. Your ability for research, production and presentation is astonishing. So many things I did not know about the history of Saint Germain. The Golden Dawn, Manly P Hall, Alice Bailey and Paul Foster Case of Builders of the Adytum spoke in lenght about this man. He was sometimes referred to as Master R, who occasionally would communicate with those who were spiritually adept through inner hearing, and much less frequently, in the flesh…

  6. Comte de St Germain’s descendant, Fortune de St Germain, is still alive and has done several interviews with Crow777. They discuss some very interesting topics including the Comte.

  7. Saint Germain was a great scammer, but a scammer none the less. A good scammer knows that people will believe anything, and the more absurd, the more they will believe it especially if there is the potential for profit. In the 1980s, there was a American female televangelist who was into Saint Germain, but I can't remember her name. Also, the hunt for the Fountain of Youth has never ended. Look at how many millions of people buy all sorts of liquid supplements that are supposed to detoxify them, and make them live forever, or close to that. Yeah, the same idea, but evolved into a consumer delivery mechanism. Anyway, there were many 18th century scammers, and Saint Germain was but one of them. The truth is that high society and royalty of the era just weren't very bright, and made for good prey. Even in the 20th Century you had Rasputin. Take it easy.

  8. Voltaire predicted that the Bible would be forgotten in 100 years. A 100 years later the french Bible society owned his house and printed Bibles on his own printing press. Our souls are immortal, but where you end up is up to you. Praise Jesus!


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