Sonic Frontiers Interview: Info On Ares Island, Knuckles, and Sage Revealed | gamescom 2022

We sat down with Sonic Series Producer Takashi Iizuka, to find out everything we can about the newly revealed Ares island, Knuckles’ involvement in Sonic Frontiers story, what the deal is with the new character, Sage, and more!

#IGN #Gaming #SonicTheHedgehog


33 thoughts on “Sonic Frontiers Interview: Info On Ares Island, Knuckles, and Sage Revealed | gamescom 2022”

  1. Let's be honest…the dark stories of sonic games were the best stories and the proof is that the best sonic game from the story is sonic adventure 2 and the story was dark but it was dope! And so is sonic unleashed

  2. This is like if J.J. Abrams made a Sonic story. It’s a MYSTERIOUS island. With MYSTERIOUS enemies. Controlled by a MYSTERIOUS girl named Sage. Sonic has MYSTERIOUSLY arrived at this island. His friends were MYSTERIOUSLY captured. Uncover the MYSTERIES in the MYSTERIOUS Sonic Frontiers. Releasing MYSTERIOUSLY November, MYSTERIOUSLY 8th.

  3. 4:53 My suspicions were correct we will be able to upgrade Sonics speed just like in Unleashed. So many people were nervous with how slow sonic was going compared to the other games with that being said I'm sold.

  4. Way way wrong direction Sega. Stop cramming Sonic down our throats and give us some classic arcade game collections. Daytona 2 and 3, super GT, galaxy force and the list goes on and on and on……. But no, all we get is Sonic and more Sonic and even more Sonic. No wonder you guys failed at the console market. You have continuous poor decision syndrome.

  5. A knuckles game sounds great. Digging underground, gliding around, protecting the chaos emeralds . Collecting the broken ones. Kicking it with rouge to regenerate health. Sounds like a great game to develop .


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