For real though #animation


50 thoughts on “For real though #animation”

  1. This is how I feel about Camp Camp. Great show. Great character exploration and growth, very sensitive sometimes.
    But there are so many times where it is very insensitive and while the characters themselves comment on it, it still makes me question if I should like the show at all.

  2. hellva boss and hazbin aren't even that bad, they have redeemable stories that send you to haven. that's basically Jesus job hes just not the main focus or in the story. not to mention people its connected to Christianity so technically its a part of your guys lore just the darker side that is always hidden is now part of the main story line.

  3. It’s called being a tsundere! Feeling ashamed for enjoying literally anything no matter what it is. Kind of funny that I just got this at a time that I have these hesitant feelings towards things I enjoy. Been really wanting to talk to anyone about this but hearing it told to me straight really helps.

  4. Even so, the concept of a show and the characters are mostly fictional!

    If a person trying to guilt another person cannot find the different between fiction and reality then that's their problem.

    Let the person cope through the magical world of fiction they know cannot affect the real world, and don't be a person making those fictional things into reality because you're petty and for some reason can't tell the obvious difference.


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