Sonic Frontiers – Chaos Island CONFIRMED, Kronos Island Can Be Beaten In Under 35 Minutes?!!

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So whether or not you believe they swiped the EGX 2022 demo of Sonic Frontiers, we know for a FACT that the first island has been beaten by fan as they leaked footage of it. And according to this person, they were able to beat Kronos Island in under 35 minutes. With a confirmed 5 islands for the game, how long really is this game?

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Music: Sonic Unleashed ā€“ Skyscraper Scamper Day


42 thoughts on “Sonic Frontiers – Chaos Island CONFIRMED, Kronos Island Can Be Beaten In Under 35 Minutes?!!”

  1. So.. In botw you can go directly to the castle and defeat ganon in basically 20-30 minutes, without glitches or speedrunning, in frontiers you can just do the cyberstages to get the keys, unlock emeralds and the friends which is clearly fast to do, this doesn't mean the game is really short. Botw campaign take almost 20h if you gonna explore the world, but the game has content for 200 to 400h hours of playing, the same for Mario Odyssey (campaign is 3 hours long lol) and Elden Ring. So i dont think this is so worrying. At least for me, i wanna explore every single beat of the islands so ill probably take this 40-60 hours long, and i think this represents the majority, even you

  2. This isnā€™t as big as an issue to me, because normally I like to savor games to make ā€˜em last as long as possible (Katfl would take 10 hours to beat, I bumped it up to 35 in my Playthrough), so Iā€™ll probably explore every nook and cranny to make sure i get more hours than unleashed. But if I still beat it in under 20 hours while exploring and enjoyingā€¦oh man XD

  3. Honestly, I would definitely be okay if Sonic Frontiers was not that long: after playing long games like fire emblem three hopes and Xenoblade 3, I would still be content if Sonic frontiers was no longer than 5 to 10 hours at most

  4. Mario Odyssey takes an hour to beat while speed running (no glitches just normal gameplay) you donā€™t see anyone complaining about it. Of course if you grind out gears from bosses and ignore all content other than chaos emeralds you finish early.

  5. Ultimately, I don't care. People who just speed through the main objective without doing any side stuff, are playing the most boring way possible. It's an open world game. Why you playing it like it's a linear game? Get outta here.

  6. Not in the Defense Squad, but I highly doubt it'll be 35 or so minutes per Island. Basic game progression, each area gets longer and longer. Even if there isn't a difficulty curve, I expect side-missions will become mandatory, or some other artificial padding. I'll be stunned if every Island is the same length

  7. Iā€™d just like to remind people that in Breath of the Wild, you can go from the beginning of the game straight to final boss if you wanted. Thatā€™s not to say thereā€™s not 30-50 hrs worth of content. You really canā€™t assume a definitive length of an open world game

  8. stop comparing botw open world to sonic frontiers open zone its two different concepts.
    yes, you can beat botw within a few mins but that's not the case with sonic open zone seeing that you are forced to visit every island you can't just go to the main boss, beat him and that's end of the game that's not how sonic frontiers work.

  9. I love Prem, but I feel like using a speed run to judge a game's length isn't accurate. Resident Evil games aren't very long, but they're also not only 3 hours like the trophies or challenges suggest. This will probably be a 15-20 hour long campaign, on par with other longer Sonic games. The fact it's speed runnable is actually a great thing. It means it'll be more repayable, unlike most other open world games (though this game is much closer to a Sandbox, but I digress).

  10. I donā€™t care if itā€™s short as long as the game is good then Iā€™m good , cause generations isnā€™t a long game by any means but I still enjoy it for the gameplay

  11. did a 400 hours run of Horizon Zero Dawn, fighting for my life, staying hidden for minutes if it could save my life of give me a tactical advantage, I think I got way more worth my money then my friend who finished it it 30 hours, I appreciated the art of the game within every square inch of the map….I think I'll make the 60 hours mark with frontiers, how much hours do you think my sonic adventure 1 timer is at right now? >:D

  12. I am hoping that itā€™s not about the amount of hours of landmarks and zones to visit, but the journey to get there to access content. Sonic done right and well can be a Spider-Man game where we donā€™t have a world but a playground and getting there and playing in it with how you traverse is half the fun. I feel like this is what the game is about this not really amazing to show since itā€™s about feel and play style. I still fully feel these things could fail but for once generations a 3D title can be great

  13. I generally enjoy spending a lot of time messing around in open world games bc I usually donā€™t wanna finish it so quick but until I do and decide to play like a new game+ I generally beat it a lot quicker lol

  14. Imagine this game doing what AC2 did it with the cities maybe in the first island you will do something to get to the second and maybe at one point you will need to revisit that would be cool but probably won t happen

  15. While itā€™s possible to beat Kronos in under 35 minutes, Iā€™m sure that because the game is built around enjoying it your way, the times for beating the game will fluctuate depending on the player


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