Something Is Changing in the US Military

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In the United States, issues and clashes have not only erupted as never before in the political arena. America’s political polarisation is permeating all four corners of the country: from the subject matter of Broadway shows, to the staging of the Super Bowl, to the heated debates in the classroom… Or what about Hollywood? Yet the biggest problem may be that this division is seeping into the previously strong and cohesive armed forces as well.

But to what extent can we say that the US armed forces are becoming politicised? How might this affect the greatest war machine ever built by man? What exactly are the most divisive debates within the #military ranks? In this video we tell you all the details.
#America #USA


20 thoughts on “Something Is Changing in the US Military”

  1. Bolton needs to be prosecuted as it is. The fact Trump even brought him on was insanely concerning. Trump threw him out when the dude was saying we're going to be partying in Tehran and then made a BS book that was more disingenuous than factual because Trump said no to starting a regional conflict using proxies to give leyway FOR an invasion into Iran. Get your facts straight. Like who cares about trump but your going to take notes from a war monger?! This video was slighty unhinged and pretty misinformed. Do better, this channel is great but this blows my mind on how much misinformation is in this video and taking notes from bad sources.

  2. The left didn't want Trump to face a realistic primary challenge. They fashioned the judicial system into a political weapon after the manner of banana republics all over the third world. They made it acceptable to use the courts as a conventional political weapon. They are mocking the whole idea of resolving political differences through elections. There are election irregularities in all major cities of every blue state on the map going back to the civil rights movement. Leftist Hollywood produced the movie "Gangs of New York" to romanticize election cheating and present the cheaters as a bunch of folk heroes. You would hope the left would at least try to champion scientific integrity and the humility to allow science to inform the decisions of government. But the bias they keep injecting into that is utterly beyond belief. They have thrown their credibility into the trash with ceremonious flamboyance. I can't even list the specifics without getting censored. Am I supposed to be impressed by that? Well excuse me.

  3. The Problem is there is no Alternative!Trump or Biden both represent Corruption on the highest level and No one in Sight to replace them .Europe has the same corruption problem the best Example is the Unconditional Support for Israel the Zionist bought basically all western Politicians to support their policies in the middle east and leading the whole world slowly towards Armageddon .

  4. I think the threat of the millitary being politicized and divided is very real. One thing that can help mitigate that is to also recognize that it isnt just conald dump & maga behind this, but more so, russia. Theyve been behind this all along, and its amazing how both republican voters & dems have not thought about that. Its basically information warfare by russia against America for at least 12 years now, and probably more. They've been posting negative things about American life and blaming the dems to infuriate republicans. They've also been highlighting divisive ethnic matters to infuriate American racists. And, this has been the only successful strategy against America, and a cheap one. And, they are desperate for America to stop helping Ukraine. What better way than to decide who becomes president so as to assert control, and have the assistance to Ukraine be stopped. And, the dividing of America would further allow for more russian invasions of poland, and even Alaska. So more awareness is a partial solution. Also, people should assume they are witnessing russian propaganda every time they see negative information about the USA. Another partial solution is to not only keep supplying Ukraine with weapons, but increase they capabilities, and for allies to join in the fight. And, for russia to to be invaded. Also, to knock out all their internet, radio, tv capabilities. After all, they attacked not just Ukraine – they also attacked America with their informational warfare and by meddling in America's elections in multiple ways, and they caused significant divisions as well. Its time they not only paid consequences, but were treated as the war enemies that they are, and put on the defensive so badly that they could not & would not continue launching informational warfare on America or anyone else for a long time. Also, russia's rebel regions should be supported so that russia becomes divided. And, china should be encourage and allowed to take parts of russian south east territories instead of wanting taiwan.

  5. The reason people in high places do not like Trump is he is doing his job and not catering to the military industrial complex and all the investors that reap big returns on war.
    Interesting the negativity in this video towards Trump who In his four year term, Kept the US out of war!

  6. You act like politicians in military decision making is a bad idea, but it is essential to not forget that war is POLITICAL in its very nature. It is not as simple as letting the politicians do the politics and the soldiers do the strategy/''operations'', they have to work in consort.

  7. This video is what happens when children talk about adult topics. I served in the 90s and 00s and the SAME problems were there, simply not on the surface. The politicization of the US military has ALWAYS existed. From the Whiskey Rebellion onward. Lincoln famously went through Generals like it was days of the week. Under Kennedy, during the Bay of Pigs thru the Cuban Missile Crisis, there was DEEP political strife. Patton was right when he said we fought the wrong enemy, Ike was right when he said beware the MIC (Military Industrial Complex). War is politics in the kinetic realm. Your citing of Bolton of a "trusted and respected source" shows how much you are in the pocket of socialists. And socialism applied in government always leads to totalitarianism.
    Hallmarks of socialist policy are open borders, silencing of political opponents, jailing of political opponents, demonizing political enemies, disarming of the populace, direct control of the populace under the guise of "safety"…
    Either you stand for individual liberty or you stand for slavery. The farther Right you go, the more you stand for individualism and dissolution of government. All forms of socialism (communism, fascism, nazism…) are squarely on the Left. Socialism cannot tolerate free enterprise.

  8. Part Two:

    Did the MSS & CCP deliberately aim to obstruct and interfere with Russia's 2020 plans by intentionally introducing a virus only intended for Russia, which they lost control of, resulting in a global pandemic? Further, did the CCP purposefully postpone informing the WHO to ensure the virus would spread and take hold inside Russia before any response was initiated?

    Was a package anonymously sent to Israel or another country by Chinese handlers and agents that contained information revealing Russia's strategy to seize multiple countries during a time of internal turmoil in the Western world orchestrated by almost two decades of Russia's SVR infiltration and internal destabilization efforts in the USA, France, and other EU countries? There is also the possibility of intentionally leaking intel to the EU and French media regarding France's nuclear facilities and locations, leading to potential internal conflict and unrest within EU countries.

    Did China strategically plan its actions to ensure that the global community would continue to oppose Russia's expansionist goals, weakening Russia and establishing China as the next dominant military power? China achieved this by closely observing the military support provided by Western and NATO countries to Ukraine, which weakened Russia and allowed China to assess the effectiveness of Western military equipment used by Ukraine. These calculated moves ultimately benefited China while NATO countries suffered as Russia's power diminished, and China approached the status of a prominent military force.

    In late 2019 and early 2020, Trump and Putin had potential communications about Russia invading on Ukraine. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Putin would have indicated that Russia would have to postpone any actions on the ground. This decision thwarted Trump's plan to use a Russian invasion of Ukraine as a campaign tactic for his re-election. They agreed to wait until the COVID-19 situation improved before pursuing a revised operation. Trump would be required to still contest the 2020 election if he were to lose, to attempt to remain in power. Furthermore, if that failed, he could later cite the threat of World War III as a reason for his re-election in future campaigns should it be required. This delay would have also angered Trump causing him to start his anti-China name-calling.

    The rescheduled plan for a Russian invasion of Ukraine in January 2021 was once again postponed, this time due to the lingering effects of the pandemic. Finally, after a year and one-month delay and following China's games on February 24, 2022, with the pandemic nearing its end, Russia invaded Ukraine. Russian planners and Putin were uncertain about the potential involvement of the new acting US President, who was not under their control.

    As a preplanned precautionary measure established years earlier, Russia had persuaded Trump, during his time in office, to remove troops from Syria, close the US base in Germany and contemplate closing down others as well. Such discussions would be blocked from the records as Trump ensured the US translator would be removed from the room and the Russian translator would be used leaving no notes behind for the records of communication behind closed doors.

    In 2024, MSS ops inside Russia came close at times to being exposed, causing China to implement a deflection scheme to help buy time to reposition its live assets inside Russia from being compromised. China using a Kazakhstan spin op to deflect and buy time to avoid Russia from suspecting China on things regarding its late 2019 virus introduction into Russia to sabotage its 2020 Ukraine plans that were delayed twice?

    An intelligence report, concealed from the majority of Americans, reveals the extensive activities of the Russian SVR within the United States, which had a significant impact on the 2015/16 election in favor of Trump. This document, known as the "Graphika Report – Exposing Secondary Infektion," can be accessed online. It details the substantial efforts undertaken by the SVR to undermine any GOP leadership challengers to Trump, coupled with a relentless barrage of Russian propaganda designed to weaken potential competitors leading up to the presidential election, ultimately ensuring Trump's triumph.

  9. You missed the major foreign influence in the USA upon the announcement of the Tea Party which exposed weakness to be infiltrated by Russia and Putin.

    Part ONE. Geo-Political Impact: Russian / Trump & (Hidden Chinese Interference against Russia)

    As tensions rose and the threat of instability loomed, tens of millions of Americans laughed in the face of danger, unaware of the dark forces that had already taken hold within. They were unwitting pawns in a game they did not even know they were playing (Welcome to the misleading world of MAGA where over 99.9% have no idea they are being played).

    Unless they woke up to the reality of their situation, they would soon be living a nightmare akin to Germany in the 1930s. And the American experiment, the very foundation of their freedom and democracy, would crumble under the weight of long-planned Russian and Chinese influence.

    The horror was real, and it was coming for them. The unseen forces of the mystic realm have long foretold the actions taken by the agents of the SVR & Kremlin, who have sent their spies to sow the seeds of chaos and deception in the fertile grounds of the free world. Maria Butina, a Russian spy in their game, was but one of many who infiltrated the NRA, GOP, and Republic, after realizing the opening for insertion from the display of discontent from within due to the Tea Party movement just a few years earlier. Laying the foundation for future disinformation campaigns to come. Their insidious plot has extended to the very halls of power, with government officials and potentially some judges falling prey to their machinations. How many assets/moles have they planted since Putin came to power in 2000? And how many more remain hidden within the G7 countries, waiting to strike? But their influence extends far beyond mere human agents. From redirecting billions of Russian oil revenues into front Russian venture funds to taking interest in key holdings that can be used in future destabilization operations to help implode the free world from within. With the placement of Fake billionaires (via redirected oil revenues), mere players/pawns in their game has been created to mask the flow of Kremlin money and to exploit the weaknesses of democracy. The Pandora and Panama Papers are but a glimpse into the depths of their power and the channels they have created to manipulate the free world. Via media ownership likely owned with a front person to hide true ownership and more. Do you watch RT Kremlin-controlled TV? Do you ever ask why a lot of the media on the right seems to replicate the stories from Russia? Who really owns the media that some are watching and may be misled by outside entities? Are you sure the billionaire owner is really the owner or just a front giving a story and image to appear something they are not?

    Data would suggest that the current GOP has been essentially been infiltrated and now is a branch of the Kremlin operating within the United States for some time now, with many within the GOP and the American public unaware.

    Numerous self-proclaimed experts have alleged that Putin embezzled hundreds of billions from the Russian treasury, stashing it abroad for personal gain. However, they've overlooked a quintessential Cold War KGB strategy: deploying a sleeper backup plan just beyond the reach of risk. Consequently, they may have misconstrued these funds as his personal wealth when, in fact, they serve as a formidable reserve to thwart any domestic adversaries' attempts to unseat him. With over $400 billion held outside Russia, Putin retains the means to counter any wealthy faction within the country seeking to challenge his authority. The ethos of the old KGB isn't merely about amassing wealth but leveraging money to exploit those who prioritize financial gain above all else, a mentality often associated with Western capitalist culture.

    Questions we should likely be asking:
    • Did the timing of the withdrawal of most US troops from Syria create an opportunity for Putin to launch brutal barrel bomb attacks on Syrians using chemical weapons and carpet bombing, leading to the displacement of tens of thousands of refugees who sought asylum in the EU?

    • Did Putin orchestrate this Syrian plan long before by requesting a private meeting where the US translator was kicked out by Trump for one-on-one meetings with Putin? Only later to order the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, providing Putin with a staging ground to push refugees toward the UK. This move caused significant destabilization repercussions for NATO and EU member states, resulting in an increase in weapon prices and defense needs. Additionally, it served as a smokescreen to distract Putin's contact in the US from being potentially identified as a Russian mole, potentially surpassing the Soviet-era Xerox repairman in the embassies during the original Cold War.

    Part TWO: The China Play? that delayed Russia for two years and China unintentionally helped the USA due to situational circumstances.
    In 2014-15, the Chinese spy agency (MSS) clandestinely accessed Putin's long-term plans for the annexing of Ukraine in 2020 (not 2022) and other countries after that. Putin had Trump in his pocket and planned for both him (Putin) and Trump to benefit if Russia moved on Ukraine in early 2020. This plan would play on history that shows Americans don't like to switch out presidents during ongoing major power wars, paving the way for a Trump re-election victory in 2020.

    Trump was to run on the global instability that would result if he was not re-elected while Putin would indirectly spin in international media propaganda to help push American voters to re-elect their mole in the USA while Russia would be inside Ukraine for the 2020 election year in the USA.

    This caused a long-term dilemma for China: who posed a bigger threat to them, the USA or Russia? They determined it was Russia based on its repeated historical land grabs for keeps.

    Utilizing spies positioned within the Kremlin and other electronic means, China's MSS acquired information about Putin's plans and scheduled execution dates for 2020. China grew worried that if Russia accomplished these takeovers without facing international opposition, it would amass excessive power and become a major potential threat to China, not only militarily but economically (through future exploitation of food and fertilizer supplies being blocked to most oil producers in the Middle East and Northern Africa). This could cause instability in the oil-rich region affecting pricing and supplies that China requires, with the possibility of being blackmailed by Russia for supplies as it plans to do with the EU and others who would contest their Ukraine move.

    Continued in Part Two below:


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