Something Big Has Already Broken: Price Stability

The Fed will tighten “Until Something Breaks” and then pivot? Wait a minute…


19 thoughts on “Something Big Has Already Broken: Price Stability”

  1. The Fed is not trying to 'fix inflation'. The Fed id trying to preserve the billionaire and multi millionaire class. The Fed is and has always been a club of bankers whose goal is to enrich the few and keep the 'unwashed' masses in control by printing fiat dollar notes as needed for that goal.

  2. It looks like America is looking to create a war Europe vs Russia. That would be a win for America and the US Dollar.
    Lets not forget that the 1929 Great depression ended with WW2 and that could well be the USA's solution now.

  3. I hope your right that the FED now is on board. The only problem I have is that since the era of Trump, one thing that has been proven beyond a doubt is every single government agency and activity, along with all the substructure is corrupt to the core.

    The fact that you expect the FED to hold the line commensurate with their mandate presupposes they are not corrupted, not controlled by the money and politics of DC. This is hard to believe.

    Will they be forced to concede by the powers that be? We shall see.

    Maybe they will collude with Russia…….

  4. We are getting closer to civil unrest here in New Zealand we export 95% of our dairy and beef etc and locally have to pay international prices which have exploded while wage growth is minimal. People are using credit to buy essentials as inflation is probably more like 15% if gas goes back up there will be riots. Crime is through the roof people stealing food and ram raids like I have never seen before. Our Marxist current government trying to crush our energy supply and climate zealots. We are in trouble here like I have never seen. Fortunate I fish and grow vegetables and ride my bicycle as it is hard to get by. Love your reports thank you Wolf all the best.

  5. Like the summary. One issue. What the hell is consumer price inflation? Isn't inflation always and forever a monetary phenomenon? Inflation is the expansion of the money supply. Pure and simple. Don't break inflation into Keynesian pieces.
    The fed is bad.
    The CPI is highly inaccurate as a measure of inflation and most likely half of the real value.
    The fed lie and don't care about you or me. They care about banks and banks only.
    They fed will pivot because they don't have the balls to handle the horrible ramifications of the popped everything bubble.
    Buy physical gold and silver to save you from hyperinflation. Speculate on miners to profit off the feds stupidity.
    Invest in dollar short strategies like foreign dividend bearing value stocks that are stuff people need not want.
    The titanic is sinking . Jump in the life boat and stop listening to the fed jaw boning hawking's music. They are doves in wolve's clothing and they are out of tune.


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