Car Ownership And The Mystery Of A Soviet-Era Garage #ussr

Car garages in the USSR. Car ownership in the Soviet Union. How expensive were Soviet cars?
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35 thoughts on “Car Ownership And The Mystery Of A Soviet-Era Garage #ussr”

  1. My Soviet cars playlist:
    Hello, friends!
    My name is Sergei. I was born in the USSR in 1971. Since 1999 I have lived in the USA.
    Ushanka Show channel was created to share stories as well as my own memories of everyday life in the USSR.
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  2. I mean if you calculate it like that a Bentley costs 300000, and an average salary jn Europe is 18000 a year, for a top tear car you need to work for 17 years to get it. Or even the cheapest cars are around 15k. You need to work at least two years to get a new car.

  3. Instead of comparing engineer's salaries you could compare the minimum wage, for like factory workers or Walmart workers. I think minimum in 1980s was 100 rubles, so 39 months. A worker in Walmart I think earns $1000 a month, so that would be $39,000 for the cheapest car.

  4. And I first bought the Balkan Sobranie in a white tin in the seventies as a high schooler. We only used tobacco to mask the smell of pot because even though it was illegal for people under 18 to smoke,they still had a smoking area for everyone because they realized it was easier than to try to catch kids smoking in dangerous places and it wasn’t unusual for kids to smoke back then. Even in Germany,where I grew up with my grandmother until I was 8 and came to america, I had cousins my age that got caught smoking in the closet! Remember it like it was yesterday. She passed a few years back from lung cancer. I didn’t smoke habitually as a kid,we didn’t inhale it,just to smell like cigarettes rather than weed,but I started a smoking habit in my mid twenties and I quit for years,periodically,but finally quit ten years ago and use vape instead of putting tar from burning chemicals into my lungs. Don’t even smoke weed,just vape it and I can smell and feel the difference. Took six months for me to stop coughing up brown stuff. And stay away from flavored vape,only pure nicotine extract because the flavor chemicals are even more cancerous!

  5. Must say, I am British, born in 73. My parents are lower middle class, so my father got a polytechnic degree (like a cheap university) and became an engineer for the NCB (National Coal Board). This was a job which was managerial, so it was about telling other people how to repair machinery in coal mines. My mother at that time did secretarial work. They were able to buy a home quite easily at that time. We never had a brand new car. Only cheap secondhand ones which were driven into the ground and scrapped. So we always seemingly had a "new" car, but it was not new really. We never had electric windows, just wind up and down. My father being an engineer was fairly good at keeping them running. Our life was very far from being extravagant. We had one major privilege, my father's coal allowance, which was delivered quarterly I think and kept in a bunker in the garden.
    Things these days are not so good, my parents if they were starting out now, would not be able to afford their own house, and would still be riding around in cr*ppy secondhand cars, there is no heavy industry anymore, so perhaps my father would be a computer programmer. They would very much be struggling to make ends meet, and probably not have been able to afford as many holidays as we had when I was a kid.

  6. Sergei, excellent content. I find it interesting as it fills in a lot of the the back ground I wish I had earlier in my career.
    In 1976 I'm a newly commissioned 2nd Lieuentant in the USAF. My "2nd Lieuentant car" is a 1976 Pontiac Tras Am. I recall the cost new was around $6000. Contrast that to what a 2nd Lieuentant in the USSR could have bought.
    By 1978 in a co-pilot on a B-52 pulling nuclear alert. Target somewhere in the USSR. At the time the USSR looked 10 foot tall. After viewing your series I see now they were a poor country with good hearted people ruled by a paranoid, oppressive government.

  7. One of the things I never understood about the Soviet Union is car ownership. In a true communist state, a person could not own a car. The State would own them, and a person would have to lease them for a set period of time determined by the State. Then, at the end of the lease you would be required to return them to the State. Plus, I'm certain the State could repossess your car for a number of reasons (ie: not keeping up with your servicing, not keeping your car neat and tidy. Traffic violations etc.)

  8. It's to bad that you were born in a shitty country the same one my mom came from the Ukraine but nothing you say amazes me or is new to me I've heard all the stories before but I like the pictures oh and so does mom she's only 99 this year and she is an old nasty hard to live with babushka that's for certain and I'm 65 now I hope she goes soon so I can get a break she says you keep your eyes off my money I'm aiming for 200 and I think she may make it you know just out of spite, oh gotta go I hear her raspy voice croaking for me…….

  9. I binge watch alot of your videos it's quite fascinating. My parents grow up in in soviet Czechoslovakia. All my family was working class. It's interesting to see the differences between Ukraine and czechoslovakia during soviet Union

  10. You see Mercedes and BMW. Watching garage 54 I want ! lada ! Just to wag my d*** … I've had some lemons. With the bricks nation going to the gold standard I got no chance.

  11. Hell no, I wouldn't even park a VW or Toyota on my street! I lmao when gentrifiers move into the area and leave the doors to their BMWs unlocked overnight parked outside. This ain't the bougie suburbs, fools… 😂😂

  12. Concerning the vehicle garages, They do have something similar in the UK With these beach huts, Because they are on a public beach, Most are held by the local Council, If there is more people wanting them than beach huts available, They have time limits of a few years at most, And they are put in a lottery bid each year when the terms up

  13. My word what did they make the cars out of pure platinum that’s insane! Yeah that’s beyond absurd. The saying dang that’s over priced is saying dang that’s overpriced Lols 😂 I’d be like Cameron’s dad in Ferris Bullers Day off and never drive it 😂

  14. That’s crazy, imagine today if you worked at a cash register or bagging groceries part time at the same rate, you would have something in Lamborghini territory

  15. Invalidka ok the word “invalid” in English means someone who is not capable of doing anything at all, feeding themselves clothing themselves going to the bathroom.

  16. These new wave snowflake commies should watch closely, because this was the reality of the communism. I live in Romania, and here an engineer made about 2400 Lei, and the Dacia 1300 was 75000 Lei. 2.6 years of salary.


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