Some of brigitte's interactions in the OW2 beta

Let me know if i missed any!/tid=CUSA00572_00


35 thoughts on “Some of brigitte's interactions in the OW2 beta”

  1. "No, I'm not putting explosives on my mace" Brigitte, this is without question, the best idea anyone has ever had, you absolutely need to do it immediately.

  2. Brig talk about Pharahs wings for an "idea" she had and talk about Mitzi (her cat) in the Hammond armor…. Jetpack Cat confirmed?
    (sorry for my bad english i'm italian)

  3. "I hope you don't mind me asking, what is your armor made of?"

    "Your father has the blue prints. Why don't you ask him yourself? I wouldn't like to spoil any surprises."

    Me: Torbjorn? But all he ever makes is… Oh god… Oh no… It's-


  4. Brigitte: "I cant believe I have to work with criminals…"
    Doomfist: "A great leader adapts to their team, not the other way around."
    I find this quote from Doomfist really good, Cause he has a point…

  5. I love how it sounds like absolutely no one can REALLY hate this ray of sunshine in their convos.
    A bit of chastising or shade (from Akande and Ashe), but nothing too overly mean. Aside from kill lines, that is.
    Good. It's what she deserves.
    Also torb's "don't tell your mother" is the most dad line I've ever heard in any game lol


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