Soldier Becomes A Zombie Creates An Army Of Zombies

In a middle eastern country, a fallen soldier who has joined the ranks of the walking dead reunites with his best friend in order to deal with the city’s drug dealers and killers – a perfect way to collect for feeding that one of them so desperately needs.


28 thoughts on “Soldier Becomes A Zombie Creates An Army Of Zombies”

  1. These return from the dead type movies are always so silly. Whatever happens to the embalming fluids that would have been in their body, forget about their lack of functioning organs, just a stupid genre of movie, almost as stupid as those silly Indian action films.

  2. Estas películas de regreso de los muertos siempre son tan tontas. Pase lo que pase con los fluidos de embalsamamiento que habrían estado en su cuerpo, olvídense de su falta de órganos funcionales, solo un género estúpido de películas, casi tan estúpido como esas tontas películas de acción indias.


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