Solar system react to space edits


38 thoughts on “Solar system react to space edits”

  1. 1SWASP J1407b is an exoplanet that is 434 light years away from Earth, which means it would take 434 years to get there and we see how it was 434 years ago. It has many kilometers of rings, in fact, over 120,000,000 kilometers of rings! That can fit between the distance of the Earth and the sun! If it's rings were to replace Saturn's rings, it would be many times bigger than the full moon during the night time. The rings are about 200-400x bigger than Saturn's rings, making it have over 30 rings surrounding the large exoplanet. This exoplanet is 10x the size of Jupiter, making it give off heat and radiation. That reminds me, there is a theory that J1407b is a brown dwarf star that orbits a bigger star named J1407. The reason J1407b has a b at the end of its name is because it orbits a star; if it didn't orbit a star and instead roamed space by itself, it wouldn't have a b at the end of its name. The planet doesn't seem to share its star with any other planet, making it a one planet system. It's rings consist of different types of materials, including ice, rocks, dust, and moons. There are gaps in the rings where moons have formed, meaning that soon this exoplanet won't have it's iconic rings any more. If the rings of this planet were to form into moons, it would have over 800 moons, some the size of Earth. This exoplanet is fairly young, only around 30,000,000 years old. The intense size of the rings gives it many nicknames like "Super Saturn", " The True Lord of The Rings", and "Saturn on Steroids". This planet was discovered in 2012 by Eric Mamajek at the University of Rochester.

    If you couldn't tell, I like J1407b.

  2. Sun: Time to shopping

    Sun said to Mercury : You don't need moon .you nearly with me. I'm your sunshine

    Mercury: Bro

    Venus : I'm need moon

    Sun: Nope you don't need moon

    Venus: Why ?

    Sun: Because toxic and rude at other planets

    Venus:" Sobbing "

    Sun": Earth you have a life in your inside. So only need one moon for your planet

    Earth: Ok thanks

    Mars:What about me

    Sun: There you go you have 2 moon

    Sun: Jupiter you big gas ass

    Jupiter: What!!

    Sun : Your so big fat so i give you 72(idk real moon number of Jupiter)

    Saturn: Me?

    Sun: You have beautiful stones . There yo go

    gives over 145 moon

    Saturn; Yea my new rings. I'm gonna now more shine

    Jupiter: …… BROOO WHY .WHY HE GET MORE?

    Sun: Because he have beautiful rings

    Jupiter: Bruh

    Uranus: Me Me

    Sun: Ok

    Gives 27 moon

    Uranus: Yea

    Neptune : Now my turn

    Sun: Dear blue planet

    Neptune: No my name is Neptune

    Sun: Oh so sorry. I'm forget sometimes

    Gives 14 moon

    Neptune: Why i'm lower than Uranus moon


    Uranus: ?

    Neptune: Can i some?

    Uranus: No

    Neptune: Why

    Uranus: I'm normal blue

    Isn't you dark blue?

    Neptune: Someone unlocked me with math. So what?

    Uranus: Your like a pen. Singing *Pineapple pen

    Neptune: Bruhh

    Pluto: …

    Ca. can… i get something?

    Sun: Here

    *gives five

    Sun: Wait .. realized discuss of 2006

    Sun: Wait? Who are you. You are not planet

    Pluto: I'm dwarf planet

    Pluto: Disappears

    Sun: Nah bro

    Mercury and Venus: Bro why we not have moon

    Earth: At least i'm have life with lot of animal planet tree with 8Billion people and one moon " smilling"

    Mercury : …

    Venus: You gonna pay this!!! Earth

    try to attacking Earth*

    Sun : How dare you? Venus

    I give you one lesson

    Venus: … Wait wait no no Sun NOOO

    Sun : Kame Exploding ball



    other planets :R.I.P Venus you gonna remembered

    Mercury: This is why i'm be quiet at sometimes in Sun .


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