SODOM AND GOMORRAH by HP Lovecraft | Horror Audiobook | Eldritch Bible

Sodom and Gomorrah | Eldritch Bible Pt. 6 โ€“ A H.P. Lovecraft Horror Story Audiobook.

Eldritch Bible is a series of horror audiobooks in which the stories of the Christian Bible are reimagined in the style of H.P. Lovecraft. (Playlist:

00:00 Divine Revelation
02:58 Plea for Mercy
05:41 City under Cthulhuโ€™s Spell
08:16 Escape
10:48 Divine Retribution
13:08 Pillar of Salt

In this chilling Lovecraftian retelling of the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the citizens of these ancient cities fall under the mesmerizing influence of the cosmic entity, Cthulhu. Compelled to construct nightmarish portals to invite unimaginable horrors into our world, their once vibrant culture descends into madness and depravity.

Join us in this chilling story, and donโ€™t forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more horrifying tales.

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14 thoughts on “SODOM AND GOMORRAH by HP Lovecraft | Horror Audiobook | Eldritch Bible”

  1. Nice one, can you please talk about Architect Lucifer/ Helel vs the Outer gods? Or the architect Archangels like Michael or Gabriel vs the Outer gods?
    I also believe the Wisdom of king Solomon & the key of Solomon, will also be a great story to use.๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. I stumbled upon your creations by chance, and I'm glad that I did. H. P. Lovecraft's lore is thrilling all by itself, but mixed with stories from the old Testament it reaches a whole new level. Keep up the great work, I'll be tuning in!

  3. I mean, Yahway is already lovecraftian. Annihilating cities because they didn't revere him enough is pretty horrific. My reading of the story was that Abraham was trying to talk the eldritch horror Yahway out of committing atrocities.

  4. I was expecting so much more from him honestly. What about the horrors of the mobs of crazed citizens outside Lotโ€™s door, demanding the visiting angel men be given into their hands so they could violate them, and Lot giving over his daughters to be raped instead? That was always the most horrifying, twisted, sickening, cruelโ€ฆand memorable part of this ancient tale for me. He could have done much more with this story.


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