So… We finally saw 'Assassin's Creed Shadows'…

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Assassin’s Creed Codename Red will be titled Assassin’s Creed Shadows for release, according to an announcement from Ubisoft on May 13. The open-world Samurai and Shinobi RPG is the next big flagship game in Ubisoft’s long-running stealth action adventure series, currently in development at Ubisoft Quebec.

Intro: 0:00
The Trailer: 1:03
Game Features: 4:23
Pricing: 10:58
Overall Thoughts: 14:49
Conclusion: 17:55
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23 thoughts on “So… We finally saw 'Assassin's Creed Shadows'…”

  1. I am looking forward to playing this game. I think it will be great fun. I would have liked to play an actual Japanese samurai, like many others, but I am not hung up on it.
    This game is on the top of my list, but no pre-order, also no 70 bucks. Not ever will I pay 70 bucks for a game. I estimate that the price will come into my ballpark 6 months after initial release.

  2. Odyssey to me felt like "Clash of the Titans" which is fine because I love the movies and the Greek Mythology aspect. What it didn't feel like was AC.

    My complaint is the DEI crap. Before they gave you the option to play as a Male or Female. Now with games like this and Star Wars Outlaws it's Female, Female, token Black guy because "Diversity". But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from the Fat tattooed pronoun Female "writer". Just like they/them shouldn't expect me to ever buy anymore of their products!

  3. a video game" uhm… no it aint just a video game.
    AC has had a mix of both historical and fictional interactions such.

    Ezio an Italian who gets to meet prominent figure Leonardo DaVinci and countless other characters.
    Arno an french gets to meet with napoleon.
    Connor native american meets george washington.

    Its not so much as an video game.
    Those games tho not perfect it felt good to live that world.
    While we have assassins creed shadows.
    We got an female japanese woman ok but with todays current wokeness and feminism its no surprise their checking off list boxes.
    Then we have Yasuke a complete nobody in japanese history. Played little to no role than being Oda Nobunaga's pet jester.
    Compared to a better foreigner figure William Blackthorne.

    Hattori hanzo wouldve been an better figure to play, Akechi Mitsuhide. Or any one else that had better experience and authentication with the location.
    Yasuke couldve been an better side character to meet with Oda Nobunaga.
    But no we get this dumb crap.

    Should we say movie and tv show that has historical figures and characters and settings is just "entertainment"
    No its just not entertainment, if your gonna settled with an very "Specific setting and location" you cant do so much change just because its "entertainment and a video game or a movie/tv show"
    Thats not an "Excuse".
    No disrespect to you, but if you just say "its a video game" thats not as much as a strong reason compared to someone saying "Its fiction" they can do whatever they want

    We all saw how well that was with star wars of its latest movied and tv shows it became sheit.

  4. Yo why does everyone hate Ubisoft and assassin creed so much I like the way they twist odyssey into almost god of war I like the whole idea of yasuke I like almost all assassins creeds except marrage fr

  5. Ubisoft really need to clutch up if they want to succeed with this game, its just everything has caught up with them, just drop all the shenanigans and they might just see success

  6. This is where you lose me Luke. It’s not about the who the when or the what it’s the why. It’s so obvious why they chose him. Think about literally every other AC game. All of the protagonists are fictional characters but they were at least the race of the region or country they were in. This time around you get an actual real person to tell a story of and instead of doing what you normally have done for 20 years and go with a Japanese protagonist, you go this route. You can’t honestly tell me if we had an AC game set in Africa and there was a white dude as a protagonist that it would be ok lol. I’m not even saying it matters that much to me, like you said it’s a game but let’s not pretend why Ubisoft is doing this.

  7. I was thrilled to know that AC shadows has the same developers as AC Odyssey. AC Odyssey was my most favourite game in the series. I liked that game even more than AC black flag. The trailer AC shadows got me a lot of excited because of the season system, next generation graphics and a new unique setting. Who cares if its historically 100% accurate or not. I will be anxiously waiting for this game.

  8. No. I'm sorry, but the early Assassin's Creed games – while not 100% historically accurate, were pretty historically accurate. I've seen historians watch Assassin's Creed gameplay and be floored at how much more accurate it is than any movies made about the same subject.

    Just because the newer games have jumped the shark doesn't mean we shouldn't want the series to go back to its roots and base their stories in reality. That was what I loved about Assassin's Creed, was that it was grounded in reality. Real events, and real people, with a twist to work things into their story.

    And don't use the garbage they made in Odyssey as an excuse for why it's okay for them to throw more garbage at us. Yeah. Odyssey sucked. We know. We'd like future games to not suck, thanks.

    Of course any sci fi story like this can't be 100% perfectly historical accurate. But you can still base your story in a realistic historical setting that conforms to what actually happened, and only extrapolate on the minutiae that affects your story while leaving the general historical accuracy mostly intact.

  9. Better to stick to watching channels like yours, JorRaptor, Blackwoodz, MasterAssassin, Legacy Gaming etc. You guys talk more about the possible improvements in gameplay, the chance to play both stealth and warrior type which gets me hyped. I've waited too long for this game.

  10. I haven't seen gameplay, but Odyssey is my most favorite game ever.

    team Odyssey is making a game in Japan. friggin amazing.

    I've preordered AC since Origins and I don't regret it.
    Mirage was way overpriced tho.

    it should've stayed a DLC 30 hrs is way too short.


    Much about Yasuke is unknown. His birth name is unknown. The date of his birth is unknown, though many estimates point to the 1550s. While he is known to have been from Africa, the exact location of his birth is unknown; historians speculate that he may have been born in what is today Ethiopia, Mozambique, or South Sudan, citing evidence connected to his name, his physical appearance as described by his contemporaries, trade relationships among Japan, Europe, and Africa, and other factors. It is unknown whether Yasuke was enslaved and transported from Africa; it is possible, according to some historians, that he may have left Africa as a mercenary. What is known definitively is that Yasuke arrived in Japan in 1579 with an Italian Jesuit missionary, Alessandro Valignano, possibly as Valignano’s bodyguard. It is not known, however, whether Yasuke was enslaved or free at that time.

    In 1581 Valignano and Yasuke traveled to Kyōto, where they met Oda Nobunaga, a powerful daimyo (feudal lord) who was seeking to unify a Japan divided by several warlords. According to a contemporary account, Nobunaga was stunned by Yasuke’s appearance, by both his height and his skin colour. As recorded in the diary of the samurai Matsudaira Ietada, “His [Yasuke’s] height was 6 shaku 2 sun [roughly 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 metres)]…he was black, and his skin was like charcoal.” Yasuke would have towered over the average Japanese person of that era. The majority of Japanese people, including Nobunaga, had never seen a Black man. Upon meeting Nobunaga, Yasuke was reportedly stripped and scrubbed, as Nobunaga believed that his skin was dirty.

    Yasuke immediately gained Nobunaga’s favour. Historians assume that Yasuke knew Japanese well enough to have conversations with Nobunaga, and they also believe that he quickly proved to Nobunaga his skills as a soldier. Soon after their first meeting, Nobunaga granted Yasuke his Japanese name, accepted him into his service, and made him the first recorded foreigner to receive the title of samurai. Yasuke was also one of the few people who dined with Nobunaga, which demonstrated the closeness of their relationship.

    As a samurai, Yasuke would have fought in several battles for Nobunaga, though the exact number is unknown. His service to Nobunaga was, however, short: Yasuke was present at Honnō Temple in Kyōto in 1582, only about a year after they met, when Nobunaga was betrayed by his general Akechi Mitsuhide. With defeat a foregone conclusion, Nobunaga committed seppuku, a form of ritual suicide, in order to control his own death and protect his honour. It is possible that Yasuke served as Nobunaga’s kaishakunin, a designated second in the ritual who beheads the man dying by seppuku.

    Immediately after Nobunaga’s death, Yasuke joined Oda Nobutada, Nobunaga’s son, but Nobutada was also defeated by Mitsuhide and committed seppuku (also known as hara-kiri) the same day as his father. Defeated, Yasuke was then escorted by Mitsuhide’s men to a Jesuit mission house. Nothing is known of him after this incident.

    Yasuke’s life as a Black samurai has inspired books and movies, among other forms of media. In 1968 Kurusu Yoshio published Kuro-suke, a children’s book about him. Yasuke has appeared in video games, including Nioh. A film starring Chadwick Boseman as Yasuke was announced in 2019 before the actor’s death in 2020. In 2021 Yasuke, an animated series, was released; it tells a fantastical story, featuring magic and robots, about what happened to Yasuke after 1582.

  12. Ubisoft picked a really bad time to make this game. They would have avoided most of the backlash if they just had a Japanese duo as the playable characters and had Yasuke as a side-character like they usually do. With every game filling corporate mandated DEI quotas these days and with everybody finally noticing this was inevitable. Creatives should be allowed to make any game they like without corporate breathing down their necks. The saddest things is we finally get a game set in Japan but its made by current day Ubisoft.

  13. 2 character with different gameplay style

    Season change system in a big map like origins

    New style of hidden blade and grappling hook

    And of course great combats like odyssey but this time as a samurai

    This looks amazing but people are talking about that why he is black!!


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