So MilkySkin mix in the mail??? Let’s test it out!!


25 thoughts on “So MilkySkin mix in the mail??? Let’s test it out!!”

  1. Now simulate the low rumbling of machinery while it’s on conveyor belts, and in a truck or car and the constant stopping of the mail car. I doubt it’ll get fully mixed. But those are some factors to keep in mind. Also the weather, if it’s hotter usually it makes liquids more runny and melty.

  2. Girl can you post proof that your skin didn’t get stained and get irritated? My sister bought one It took a long time to arrive. It came in not even close to half filled, and she emailed you for a refund but you never responded. Also you literally deleted bad reviews as well according to many people after scrolling through your videos. I used to want to get one of your products and use them, but now I don’t. I’m unsubscribing. Delete this comment if you want. 💕

  3. So uh, am taking this from others because am too baby to try stuff I've never tried on my skin before. So, as I heard from other comments it could leave rashes, itchy skin, greasy skin, and leave tints on those who have tried it on their skin. Now, am not hating am just trying to spread awareness to the other people and the creator!

    Edit: after exploring the comments a little more they say it's gooey which obviously it should am pretty sure.

  4. I came here from that video which is full of "who asked" comments. The product seems alright enough, if not a bit out there, but something that i dislike most is people creating disengenuous content, especially pretending to have hateful customers like this person and many others have done in the past. I chose to comment here because it is a mix of both good and bad content (fake customer complaints). Not all attention is good attention! Please make more genuine videos because they seem many times better than the disengenuous ones

  5. Nobody wants to buy your trash cancer-causing cosmetics. I’m sure you pay pennies for your materials, and sell them for ridiculous prices. Stop marketing your trash on social media.

  6. ma'am, I live on Mars. Yes it will get mixed from earth to mars. Anyway what's these number stuffs you earthlings use are you in some kind of cult with those number symbols you call math??


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