So I tried playing THE WITCHER 2 In 2022…

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Many speak highly of The Witcher 3 and for good reason. Its takeover of the gaming industry back in 2015 propelled CD Projekt Red to new heights as the gold standard for AAA RPGs. That said, they weren’t a mere one hit wonder. The Witcher 2 is often forgotten as fantastic fantasy RPG thanks to its year of release where it went up against Skyrim. As a game I have a ton of nostalgia for, I decided to do a deep dive into The Witcher 2 and see how well it has aged after 11 years.

Retro Rebound:

#TheWitcher #Xbox #Cyberpunk2077


46 thoughts on “So I tried playing THE WITCHER 2 In 2022…”

  1. CDPR has not even equaled Bethesda except possibly for story presentation in Witcher 3 with an honorable mention for the story of Witcher 1 which was good but lacking the presentation side. W1 was so technically crap I still got game breaking bugs last year, W2 was a borefest, W3 was an ubisoft game where you just go tick off question marks in a lifeless (but pretty) semi-open world, and Cyberpunk is still steaming hot garbage even with the technical improvements. Nah, I'll be playing Skyrim 10 years from now. I'll never play an old CDPR game again. What for?

  2. I had a similiar experience with this being the first PC game I got when I got my first PC, I tried to get into it a few times, but as somebody who doesn't like playing on KBM and I had no controller, and the game was confusing for me when I was younger, I couldn't get into it.

    Fast forward to Witcher 3, I wanted to make sure I had completed W2 before it came out, get all my xbox achievements, and have my save file carry over (the good old days of when save files carry over to sequels right?)

    I dived back in, fell in love, couldn't believe the world I had missed out on, and now more mature understood the gameplay elements and design more clearly with it's intent. Did my two play throughs, got all my xbox achievements for the full completion, and finished the day before Witcher 3 came out.

    I'll have to replay this one day as well, great to see it again, a classic RPG for me, even if a bit clunky or semi outdated with several mechanics.

  3. I played witcher 3 before 2 and i prefer the melee combat of 2, it's more grounded and less spinny and jumpy. The spinning and winding attack in 3 are opening that enemies can attack always take advantage of.

  4. If you like The Wticher, TW2 is absolutely a can't-miss title. This game is super overlooked, and I hate when people recommend to skip straight to the 3rd game. TW2 is a straight 9/10 imo.

  5. Hey Matty, haven't watched much of your stuff consistently for a few years but I was around way back when, good to see your videos are still high quality and you're getting good views, hope you're doing well homie.

  6. I'm glad you mentioned the combat here. Much like Witcher 1, the sword play was designed by actual swordsmen. So, the flow and button timing were all more realistic then many other games of its time. When the tip of the sword glows orange, that is when you should in put the next command. It takes a little longer to perfect, but when you do, it makes for an extremely smooth combat experience.

  7. Unpopular opinion: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is better than The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I had a good chuckle watching you fail at the stealth section. It was full of jank, but damn is it a great game. Still looks great at 11 years old.

  8. The Witcher out of all the Franchises is like almost perfect. So far First Game, Second Game and Third Game is pretty much awesome and really well down and fresh out. I hope Witcher 4 continues to be better.

  9. Witcher 2 I never finished but it's great from the hours I spent playing it. But Cd Project Red and Bioware are the only two other goats of the golden days of gaming that Microsoft currently is missing.

  10. The Witcher 2 is one of the most highly rated underrated games of all time. It's just as good as TW 3. Just different games. He mentioned DA:Origins. It's just as good as that also and deserves just as much attention and respect

  11. I've been playing old games like SR and now Dragon age. This video convince me to play the witcher 2 next. It has been a while and I would love to go back and relive the story.

  12. This game is so good. The gameplay is a little janky and the difficulty can be unbalanced but the story and choices is amazing. On pure rpg storytelling it's one of the best and arguably has better choices and consequences than Witcher 3. Also playing this game gives you so much more context on characters, events and story beats from both the games and books and helps with understanding what's going on in Witcher 3.

  13. This game was made around mass effect and dragon age era so I think that explains the similarities.

    Back in the day they looked up to BioWare then surpassed them with Witcher 3.

  14. The Flotsam lynching is one of my favorite moments in video games. It really illuminates the irony of witchers being created to protect humanity from monsters, when in actuality the humans are the real monsters.

    Also the romance scene with Triss is iconic. I'm amazed at the impact on the rest of the game from choosing between Roche or Iorveth (I'm still bummed that Iorveth was cut from Witcher 3).

  15. I tried to love this back when it came out – the trailers were astonishing graphically for 360. But that fuckedy combat. Eurgh. The jank. Then I was given Skyrim and the world made sense again.

  16. It took me three attempts to get into this game but when I finally did get into it I was blown away. Easily one of the best narrative games I’ve played. Now to go play this again for the elusive last dice game related achievement. Thanks for the video Matty!

  17. CDPR was unlike anyone else back then, I remember buying the regular 60 dollar version of this game on release and I got a metal art case, a small art book and a REAL metal oren coin that came in a fancy parchment envelop along with a letter thanking me for buying and choosing cdpr.

  18. I absolutely love the witcher 2 it was the first in franchise i played. Saw a friend playing it and was like dang i have to get that. Then i went back and got the first witcher. So i was hyped for 3 when it came out and even bought an xbox one to play it


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