SO FAR, SO GREAT FOR LIVERPOOL BUT WHAT NEXT? | Redmen Originals Liverpool Podcast

SO FAR, SO GREAT FOR LIVERPOOL BUT WHAT NEXT? | Redmen Originals Liverpool Podcast

Paul, Chris, Dan & Chloe are here for the Redmen Originals Podcast as they look ahead to Liverpool’s return to action following the international break as they take on Wolves on Saturday.



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26 thoughts on “SO FAR, SO GREAT FOR LIVERPOOL BUT WHAT NEXT? | Redmen Originals Liverpool Podcast”

  1. Paul has truly sold out. His little Documentary boy got exposed and he can't take it. I'm surprised they didn't advertise the documentary in this video. No really Jordan is a great guy….yeah right.

  2. I meant to go to bed a while ago… fuckin love you guys! That’s a really good discussion… scouser Neil in Basel xx crackin up … next time I come home… I will have to say hello and hugs all round… loved your work for many years 🙏🏻

  3. Why is Chloe under the impression that Hendo “forced a move”? He wouldn’t of travelled for preseason if that was the case, would’ve been the same as Fabinho.. then drawing up not playing in a friendly to “refusing to play” while in reality there were ongoing conversations and you obviously protect your asset in that scenario as we have seen 1000’s of times.. quite strange I thought.

  4. The sheer hypocrisy of everyone who points the finger at Henderson for earning a good salary from Saudi, when you all sit here filling your car with petrol, using plastics, and consuming energy based on Saudi oil money (Yeah, they have this much money to throw around because YOU gave it to them), AND them being a strategic ally of the US and the United States is absolutely staggering.

    It's convenient to be able to point the finger at someone else, while taking advantage of all your life's needs and wants like merrily ignorant that you're as culpable as anyone else to enable the Saudis to do what they want in their country.

  5. I don't give a shit about what Jordan said in the past in support of LGBT or that interview. I only cared about how he performed on the pitch for Liverpool. I don't lose my sleep over some footballer saying things that doesn't have anything to do with Liverpool unless it's like extreme shit like killing people or supporting Al Qaeda. I don't get why people get so upset about what others have to say as if they themselves are a saint or haven't offended anyone in their lives.

  6. My main take on the Hendo interview is that Ornstein basically stitched him up every bit as much as Hendo’s naivety did for himself. Next month no one will give monkeys about Hendo or LGBQT. A new distraction will appear.

  7. Muslims do not have to accept your liberal world views. Firstly being homosexual is a sin, therefore they do not encourage such behaviour. Same for a adultery etc. The law is there to protect Muslim values. They do not care what you think, nor should they. Also to get put to death for being gay you would have to have sex in public. No one cares what you do at home.

  8. First off I want to say I will always respect people's opinions and choices, but everyone needs to take a step back and look in the mirror!

    This whole LGBT+ agenda should not stand on the shoulders of one footballer…..

    How can we as a community argue for acceptance of others when we do many of you can't accept that Hendo made a choice based on what he was told by our club, by Klopp.

    Sport is a short career and all of you condemning Hendo for choosing the best financial option are a joke!

    I know it's disappointing to see someone who has been a figurehead for your cause go to a country that doesn't respect your values can be very disheartening, but if you place your entire ethos on the back of one premier league footballer then you really need to rethink your approach.

    As a whole community, not just LGBTQ+, we need to do far better at accepting that people can make their own choices and you can be unhappy about them all you want, but you don't have the right to ostracize one person who made a decision for themselves, Hendo's actions should not be the hill you choose to fight your case.

    I understand he was a very visible advocate for your community, but I'm a firm believer that you have to be the one to stand up for what you believe in.

    Last point, even if this was purely financial for Hendo, that's fine, he can go and earn his money and still have the same beliefs as you. It's not a prerequisite that he changes his opinions in order to play in Saudi, he just won't be the face of the cause anymore, find someone else it's really that simple.

  9. It's hardly surprising that a person who makes a big deal about something turns out to be a massive hypocrite.
    Male feminists often turn out to be abusive towards women, bible-thumping politicians often end up caught paying for gay sex etc. etc.

  10. I'm muslim and I actually did like the woman speaking before this podcast, who wants to kill who because of what, mind your proper gander you will lose subscribers, member I told you that, we don't believe in homosexuality simple, FACTS, WE DON'T WANT TO KILL PEOPLE FOR THERE SEXUAL PREFERANCE

  11. The lack of self awareness by the plebs slating Henderson for moving clubs is up there with Newcastle fans booing other teams players for time-wasting.
    He played for 2 British clubs a nation that has more blood on their hands than any other country on the planet bar maybe America before moving to Saudi.
    He carried himself brilliantly when at liverpool which is all you can ask, getting 13million for a player who was done in terms of getting us where we want to be and getting his 200k wages off the books was a godsend.
    If people are outraged because they hung their hat on every word he said that more reflects on them than on henderson.

  12. Sanctimonious high horse Chloe…Hendo is at the end of his career…his game time limited at LFC…he’s done plenty for LGBTQ’s alphabet group….he has a huge legacy and has been a superb captain…
    Get of your high horse Chloe Henderson is moving jobs so what… does he have to limit his life according to the LGBTQ’s lobby???
    He’s done more than you !!!

  13. Honestly the LGBTQ+ shit is ridiculous!!! Just live your life and love who you want but don’t try to ruin people’s lives/careers simply because they do something you don’t like.

  14. let’s just talk about hendo leaving and criticise him every chance you get,
    fucking boring.
    i understand the criticism but it’s going on far too long
    he’s a good man and probs felt under appreciated by liverpool and klopp so thought fuck it let’s secure family’s future.
    He’s a legend.


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