Ancient Maples in the Cold

Hi folks! It’s been a minute since I posted, but here’s an outing from a few weeks ago.

I do apologize for the wobbly filming. Either I had the wobbles, or the stabilization somehow got switched off on my camera — it could be either … I liked the painting, though, so I tried to edit out most of the worst nausea-inducing moments while trying to keep a narrative to my rambling.

What might have not come across is that it was in the 30s F (0s C), so the paint gets really stiff. If I use much thinner, it doesn’t sink into the canvas as it would in the summer and stays on top, creating a soupy mess. So it’s all about scrubbing paint on, straight from the tube!

#oilpainting #pleinair #pleinairpainting


9 thoughts on “Ancient Maples in the Cold”

  1. I was just searching to see if you posted another video and here you are. Love the commentary as it warms my heart laughing with you while you’re standing out in the cold sunshine painting.
    Nice one !

  2. I'm thinking that painting on a blank canvas is difficult enough. I'm not sure how you managed to work atop an earlier work. It would have confused the heck out of me. The result is stunning and, as always, the colors and light are perfect.

  3. Isn’t it a great feeling when you do something fabulous on top of an abandoned painting? Somehow I get extra joy when that happens. Your trees are fabulous! Thanks for the video.


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