Snarky Thought of the day #285, Ted Cruz to the Rescue!

I kept this local to Texas, discussing the border crisis, their housing shortage, failing power grid, and #2 ranking in the 2023 mass shootings in America list.

I could have thrown in their drought, education problems, and the fact they have so many people without health insurance, but I only have one minute when it comes to these things.

I also could have gone national, discussing the impending debt ceiling crisis, and probable credit defaults.

But, nope, I stayed Texas-local and only listed a few problems they were facing.

Because no mater what issues may arise, you can always count on Ted Cancun Cruz to deflect, ignore, and attempt to lay the blame elsewhere.

It’s insane to think that Bud Light is still in the news, and it’s even more insane to hear that a United States Senator wants to investigate a beer company, all because they tried to promote their product to transgender people.

(Ted is going at the “they’re promoting it to underage kids!” angle, but that’s a cover that only the stupidest of the stupid will believe. Just watch the comments an you’ll see what I mean.)

Anyway, Ted Cruz is why problems never get solved.

And the public at large suffers because of it.

Of course, since the public votes for him, I guess Texas deserves it. The rest of the country is collateral damage. Lucky us.

#texas #funny #facts #politics #budlight


29 thoughts on “Snarky Thought of the day #285, Ted Cruz to the Rescue!”

  1. I’ll and what exactly did the dems do to solve the border crisis or any other problem the last two years they have a zero success rate get snarky about something when they get something of use done besides raise taxes cause inflation or leave the border open

  2. You just described California for the past three decades.

    Maybe there wouldn’t be a “housing shortage” if idiots didn’t flee from California and New York in droves after 2020, genius. Then again, you don’t like looking at long term causes and effects, do you?

    And who caused the migrant situation?

    That’s right. Democrats. That’s why Texas and Florida started spreading the wealth to you ivory tower loud mouths.

    Here’s an idea: talk about the mass murder of senior citizens in Democrat states as their governors ORDERED COVID positive patients into nursing homes, scrub.

  3. Heres a really simple fix, close the border. This dude has zero self awareness, he cites all the problems democrat policies created like open borders and the blames Ted Cruz. Completely bonkers 🤦🏽‍♂️

  4. The housing shortage is caused by the people from California fleeing snarky libs' totalitarian regime. Come to think of it, that probably has something to do with the power grid issues too.

    BTW: CA is pretty constant weather all year long, why do you have your power issues?

  5. I need some evidence on this supposed “housing shortage”…I live in Texas…there’s houses friggin Everywhere lol…of course these houses being empty would have Nothing to do with Biden’s horrific inflation right? Right? Ya No couldn’t be..


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