SMITE Season 10 Joust Tierlist

Tierlist for SMITE Joust S10. Recorded on patch 10.2.

This video conveys how I see each god’s value at the highest levels of Joust. Each character placement is how I believe a character’s average value is/should be in the draft, assuming the player playing it knows the god inside and out.

New/changed items along with class buffs from S10 have shifted things around a bit and the Joust meta is crazier than ever! Let me know your thoughts and if you want more content like this… (build videos, how to draft videos, etc.)

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21 thoughts on “SMITE Season 10 Joust Tierlist”

  1. Cosmosaurussss. Much love brother, hope all is well. Thank you for this. Would also love if you started uploading some of your OSRS adventures, I recently started playing again and enjoy the streams. ❤

  2. Some things id definitely disagree with but overal great list.

    The #1 stack rn is spamming aphro so shes gotta come up. Super broken when last picked.

    Same story with tsuki but to a lesser extent

    Honestly love to see au in a low tier. Its a strong niche pick at best. and its super comp dependent.

    Cu Chulainn is noticeably worse than osiris achilles guan imo id probably bring em down a tier

    Jorm being that high is weird but i guess in the right comps he can shine. Needs another tank to make him viable at all.

    Id put ares up to first pick but i guess theres some counter comps.

    Hard disagree on kumba. i feel like ccr changes made him horrible

  3. Now that war flag is shadow nerfed early to only gods with lowest gold get the gold i gotta agree with alot of these i normally wouldnt. Big rip to the no existence from war flag. 🙁 literally woulda been good for passive gold gain like watchers and late game heal. Not only is the heal bugged af rn and doesnt work if youve reset for longer than 20 seconds. They nerfed it without it ever being played with its new passive.

  4. Try Chaac with warding sigil ans jotuns and max your 1. There was a golden rule of warriors. Always get at least 1 flat pen item. This give u indane pressure and clear in earlly to mid game

  5. Nezha wtf. Also hate how these days we have gladiator shield and prophetic cloak in every build. No much build variety anymore. Also they remove fun juke items like witchblade or bumba mask

  6. What’s the go to build for a full damage assassin like Camazotz and Set?

    And you also mentioned building Dominance->Trans->Exe on Xbal but how would you finish that build?


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