Smashing @Mike Winger's apologetic for biblical flat earth cosmology on Cultish.

Smashing Mike Winger’s apologetic for biblical flat earth cosmology on Cultish. @Apologia Studios & @Mike Winger

Today we have Dr’s Kipp Davis, Joshua Bowen and Aaron Adair joining MythVision to set the record straight on biblical cosmology. Mike Winger has done a few episodes on Cultish trying to make the Bible not look so dumb. Yep, you guessed right! The Bible teaches flat earth cosmology, and says the sky has a solid dome firmament with windows, and much more. I think it’s time that serious seekers of truth stop listening to peddlers of excuses for the Bible, and start listening to actual experts in the fields who’s souls don’t depend on their understanding of the Bible being perfect. If the Bible is wrong about Cosmology, what else is it wrong about?

Check out the scholars channels @Kipp Davis , @Digital Hammurabi & @Aaron Adair
Kipp Davis –
Joshua Bowen –
Aaron Adair –

Grab Aaron and Josh’s books as well.

Here are the previous episodes Mike Winger recorded with Cultish and made a YouTube video on this topic.


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34 thoughts on “Smashing @Mike Winger's apologetic for biblical flat earth cosmology on Cultish.”

  1. 47:40 Kipp had me laughing with recognition at myself "if you didn't read the bible carefully, you might make the mistake that God had bodyparts". My theologically trained brain wouldn't let see that for years. It further blew my mind that God had a wife and kids!!

  2. Derek, you are so unbelievably FULL of it!!! You go with the scholars when it suits you, but then bring on the bozos like Carrier as you so feel. There is absolutely no consistency with you. And for like the billionth time, you constantly just assume empiricism, but you never ever EVER make any concrete philosophical case for it. NOT all of us are empiricists and you never make any attempt to argue with those outside of that camp. The case for a flat earth from the Bible alone is paltry indeed. Not a single text that is brought forth can be used to say definitively that the Bible teaches a flat earth, something that cannot be said for the ANE more broadly, something I would agree with your scholars over. Extra-biblical scholarship is certainly important. It must play a key role in any examination of all of the evidence for the worldviews on the market. But, it is not in itself entirely decisive.

    And once again, I point out how utterly inconsistent you are. There is near universal consensus from the non-radical, non-fringe, non-immoral(!), biblical scholars across all stripes that Jesus lived, said and did many of the things the Gospels ascribe to Him, was a revolutionary character, and was crucified by the Romans. Any time evidence is favorable to Biblical Christianity, you bring on the crazies like Price and Carrier, but any time it is not you hype it up for all it is worth. Your BIAS is therefore palpable and undeniable. I hope all of you who listen to Derek uncritically will stop doing so. He is a total phony.

  3. Well, basic reading skills will show the bible is nothing but propaganda and bs. Also, this Mike guy, like most apologeticists, is so condescending and full of himself even can't even see how stupid he is. He twists everything to make it fit what he wants instead of growing up, being honest and admitting his book is wrong and so is he.

  4. The four pillars is Obviously the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The bibble is referring to Famine, Strife, War, and Death. Didn't any of these guys play the Darksiders video games? Those games are the true translations to the origins of our universe.

    My claim is every bit as supported as any of their's.

  5. Thanks YouTube for putting that Wiki note at the top. Otherwise I'd have thought differently. This information free-for-all sure is dangerous, ain't it? We'd all start believing in anything, were it not for good, smart, responsible people overseeing things, you know, like they did in school.

  6. Globe-earth geocentrism makes some sense, and is compatible with biblical description and dharmic religion, and thus esoteric forms of dharmic Christianity including the one I made up: Jainism-Christianity. Ptolemy said the fixed stars were in the firmament encasing all of the ethereal spheres, but the quran says they are lamps put in the lowest heaven. I just thought of if the firmament was transparent and encased the earth-moon system only, the stars may fill the rest of the volume with brightest ones just outside the firmament and dimmer ones out to the orbit of saturn (around the earth), and then beyond could be the outer darkness mentioned elsewhere. But if pan-psychism is true then a cloud of jungian collective subconscious envelopes the earth and extends out to the ethereal realm, and the idd is within the bowels of the earth, the ego within your body, then the super-ego would be up where the outer darkness is and be like a Krishna consciousness. But probably science is true but maybe not.

  7. The rationalisation Winger employs to explain away flat earth that he calls common sense gers used far more convincingly when explaining away the prohibition of homosexual sex, but Winger would condemn that as heresy

    Thing is, at lesst the flat earthers are being considtent. Denying evolution is just ss batty as denying the globe

  8. Is interesting that Mike Winer uses an inconsistent approach to interpretation. He will look at texts in their original context when he likes the interpretation but shift to the future lens of the new testament when the ancient context leads to interpretations he doesn't like


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