Slicksters and Chaos | Max Diff Achievement Run | Ep 24 | ONI

Next stop, super coolant.

Coordinates: M-RAD-C-1459087391-0L73-0

Credits music: When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Cooper Cannell


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30 thoughts on “Slicksters and Chaos | Max Diff Achievement Run | Ep 24 | ONI”

  1. I had a colony completely fail because the abyssalite was transferring cold into the air of my base without me realizing it because I had thought the abyssalite had no thermal conductivity. I saw the cold leaking out and was SO confused, so I didn't do anything about it at first because I didn't think it was the abyssalite. When I got a little more desperate to save my poor dupes I finally put down some insulation tiles there and it stopped the cold-leak, but it was sadly too late 🙁

    I'm sure that the abyssalite issue wasn't the only thing that brought down my base (Because I'm not that good at the game), but I wish it was more obvious that abyssalite did in fact have thermal conductivity.

  2. Also are you planning on using an auto-sweeper in the slickster ranch? If you move everything over, put a ladder and move the door up 1 or 2 you might be able to have an auto-sweeper put an egg into that incubator without the need for some huge system. Might save a bunch on dupe labor! (If I remember correctly, auto-sweepers work through pnuematic doors, right?)

  3. The slickster ranch would actually be a good place to use oxygen masks. Just have the transit tube drop them off behind an oxygen mask checkpoint and you're good to go.

  4. Echo, you should be spinning for and collecting the Exuberant mutation for all your food producing plants. Speeds up growth speed and gives extra Rot Pile to feed to Pokeshells plus requires Darkness, making Bristle Blossoms even less cost. Does require slightly more fertilizer ingredient and must be cooked or frozen to kill the Food Poisoning, but you’re gonna do that anyways.

  5. Great series Echo! Can't wait for next one. You inspired me and I did all achievement challenge just yesterday. But it wasn't on hardest settings.
    At 3:40 those radbolt… I think they move like a spiral.

  6. Your solution is not fool proof. You have nuclear use 10 heat deletion system for all your temperature control. Also start petro boiler already.
    Water to oxygen should be priority as they can work without any power, 1 pump is enough.
    Also I do not like you boil normal water, please boil salt and polute water.

  7. 5:50 The Oxygen Masks and mask checkpoint don't use power and are 2 tiles high; they would actually fit right there where the o2 from the Electrolyzers pass by. Yes dupes exhale in the masks, but they exhale co2 so it doesn't matter, and they won't get eye irritation down their either. They also don't get suit debuffs with just a mask. There aren't many situations for the masks, but this feels like a good one lol.

  8. RE The cot being unavailable in the rocket: You can, I think, set it as 'uncontrolled' which should make it available to sleep in again (instead of having to deconstruct). That worked for me. However, it will remain available when the rocket is grounded which is a pain :/

  9. Good morning Echo! I love too see every space getting used up on the home asteroid, and enjoyed your petroleum build. Sorry these supple hands are ment for piloting and not digging . Thanks for another video and I hope you have a good fourth!


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