Slapchop for MARINES – Contrast for Quality AND Speed!

Buy the brushes used in this video:

Slapchop/speed painting/contrast – All can give you a solid result for your time spent, but can they give a FANCY result, and what about on those tricky power-armoured marines?

Today we’re going to give you 3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for achieving high-quality contrast-painted marines, of any colour!

Sanding Sponge Mentioned in assembly section (recommended 2000+ grit):

1:00 Do assemble well
2:05 Do not (expect) contrast (to do) everything
4:10 Do think about brush size & shape
6:03 Do not expect 1 thick coat perfection!
7:36 Do think about colour(s)
9:28 Do not rush
10:23 Bonus: Don’t just use Black, Grey, and White
12:04 Showcase + FREE GIVEAWAY rules!
13:35 Palette use + Basecoat colour choice
14:37 Brush (size) choice
15:30 High-quality 1st Drybrush
16:44 1st Drybrush Analysis (we missed bits)
19:30 2nd Drybrush Discussion
21:44 2nd Drybrush Example
24:55 Final Drybrush (‘Edge-highlighting’ here)
27:01 1st Contrast discussion/testing
28:20 1st Contrast application example
31:30 2nd Contrast
34:33 3rd (Shade/+shade) Contrast
35:10 Experimenting on back of gun
36:05 Contrast choice for details
37:20 Gun
42:40 Cheating/Fixing and redoing gun
45:45 Fixing Aquila
46:26 Purity Seals

Space Marine tutorials:
Ultramarines (Airbrush + Drybrush + Wash synergy):
Dark Angels (high tabletop drybrush armour):
Salamanders (high tabletop drybrush armour):
Black Templars (ultra-crisp drybrush+wash armour):
Imperial Fists (artistic purple shadow drybrush armour):
Space Wolves (our take on Space Wolf Grey):

Vehicle tutorials:
Space Wolves:
Turquoise Tanks (alpha legion overclocked rhino):
Star Wars Legion AAT:

Large Miniatures:
AMAZING Great unclean one in 3 hours with Drybrushing:

Fundamental/Basic army level Techniques:
How to Control GW Texture paints (e.g. Agrellan Earth):
Black Armour:
Leather 3 ways:
White 3 ways:
Gold 3 ways (bonus advanced gold):
Yellow 4 ways:
Assembling, converting, and painting Forgeworld (Rogue Idol):
Paint Realistic Flames – with DRYBRUSHING!:
Chipping using AK Interactive Products:

Texture paint (agrellan) Basing Drybrush Scheme tutorials:
Mars/Desert Basing (quick, ‘warm’ basing):
Cracked Lava Base:
Grimdark (cool grey):
Huge bases fast (airbrush, drybrush, wash):
Icy Bases:

Basing Tutorials:
Metallic Sector Mechanicus 3 ways:
Build a Scenic Base fast (with greenstuff and a rock!):
Paint your Scenic Base – Spooky Basing:
Limestone Basing:

In this video Byron’s using the Artis Opus Brushes!

Series D: These high-quality brushes are perfectly designed for stippling, smudging, drybrushing, buffing, and even edge-highlighting.

Series S – The perfect point, the ideal everyday brush:

Series M – Shorter heads for precision detailing:
Series D Brush set:

XL Series D:

Accessories (brush racks, cleaner, pallets):

Music: Bensounds

#ArtisOpus #SeriesD #Drybrushing


28 thoughts on “Slapchop for MARINES – Contrast for Quality AND Speed!”

  1. Brushes used in this video (shipping worldwide):

    Happy New Year! Give us your suggestions, comments, and criticisms! There's THREE SETS up for grabs for the best ones 🙂

    Want to be taught by Artis Opus & Byron in person? We're teaching at the Las Vegas Open:

  2. And i did it with some shady brushes, cause i could pick up these awensome one, except for the hightligts and fine details that a friend was kind enought to let me try a artis brush, so if u are like me in low resources, test your paints, take your time to apply what u see here, use regular refferences and apply to the shapes of the mini, and when u pass to the mini itself u will take less time to paint them, more self asure of your tech and instead of a pile of shame will have a pile of fame, at least something that you are proud of, and my final sugestion paint for yourself, for your taste before painting to others aproval

  3. Awesome video. The tips a bout thinning down the contrast is so true. My tip would always do a test model or tests your colors on a texture palette. As contrast paint tend to behave, and look, quite differently, when applying them. Getting a feel for the shade of contrast one is going to use, fore applying them to your model is crucial.

  4. Happy New Year Byron, great video thanks, I was given the Phobus kill team at Christmas so this will definitely help. thinking of doing them in the Raptor's paint scheme so hopefully, I'll be able to switch the colors to suit.

  5. So new painter here. Stippling seems to be used a lot by certain channels. However, they all don’t usually explain the consistency of their paints and how that changes their outcome. Trovarion doesn’t water his paint down for his grim dark approach. Richard Gray heavily waters down his paint before stippling. Can you explain why you take the approach you do and how it affects the outcome? Hopefully that makes sense.

  6. As always brilliant video full of useful tips. I would add a small tutorial on how to complement contrasts with normal acrylics. I, in general, use contrasts as base colours. I found that even if you use 2 coats paint eventually is blotchy/spotty on the mini. What I started doing is covering it with a lighter version of same colour using acrylics. This way transitions between colours is smoother. But this is the way I do this.
    Would love to see how you would approach it.

  7. I'd love to see some Dark Eldar with this style, they have so many sharp points and ridges I think it might look cool. I also have 2 Combat Patrols and 2 Boarding Patrols so I'm also fishing for ideas LOL

  8. I think the only thing I was really curious to hear more about (and it was probably only briefly mentioned because you cover it elsewhere) pertains to wet blending. Are there certain paint lines or even individual colors this technique is easier to use with? How much time do you have before one color dries and sets? How much impact does what medium you use (if any), and the ratio of paint to medium, have on drying time? How big a deal is reactivation even with contrast paints?

    I also saw a blurb on someone else's Instagram today about contrast vs shade. Dunno if these are complicated enough to justify their own video or not, just a few thoughts from someone who hasn't really gotten back into the hobby yet but has taken a deep dive on YouTube tutorials in the past year.

  9. It is really nice to see smaller (infantry) models using this technique. Especially where they are not posed with arms wide.

    Would be really nice to see how to handle orc skin (or any muscular model).

    Keep up the good work!

  10. Also, happy new year. Hope to see a lot more of your content in 2024.

    I managed to finally get my hand on your series S 0, 1 and two. It’s really hard to find places where they sell them here. The series D is impossible to find 😢 hope I can get my hands on them soon.

  11. A welcome return to slapchop! Great video man. Recently I've been using multiple hues in my underpainting and it makes for way more interesting shadow colours. My go-to method is to airbrush purple from below towards the front of the model, blue from behind and below them a pale pink as a zenithal. A final drybrush of white to pick out details then speedpaints and final highlights.

  12. i really only use contrast paints as like a base paint because most of the time you can get a nice gradient then work your normal painting in on that. you can also kinda use it like a fake zenithal highlight by tilting the mini to point the way you want the "sun" to be. all the contrast will pool at the lowest point leaving the upwards facing spots lighter and you can go from there.
    i will also use different base colors to give myself deeper shades.
    like my terminator captain from the leviathan box. i painted the cape blue then zenithal highlighted with white so when i lay the red contrast it makes this deep purple in the fold while keeping the nice red of the highlight.
    i will also use dry brushing if i WANT the rough texture like on cloth and such.

  13. I was wondering if when the army painter fanatic line comes out if you could do a side by side with the Citadel colors and contrast vs the army painter fanatic and speedpaint 2.0. I am sorry, that may be too much of an investment as the complete set is $769 or something close, but I would like to see how the coverage is, especially vs the high price of Citadel.

  14. i'd really like to see powder faced make-up for a sister of battle, with fancy lipstick and a little black dot for the beauty mark. a very aristocratic posh look, kind of rouge trader'y
    i also didnt know they made dry-brushes as small as the ones in the video haha i've been using big poof ball ones and normal brushes lol

  15. Just started painting again, trying to teach my kid to paint. Last time I painted the models were made of metal so it's been a while, your videoes are a great help.
    That handle looks really great, hope it available soon.
    You may have covered it en earlier videoes but I find colours like yellows and white really hard when it's larger surfaces like armour.
    Yellow pigments seem very "weak" and whites I get those too thick layers, so that would be my suggestion.
    Anywho, happy new year, thx for the great content 🙂


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