Sky News host slams Joe Biden for ‘biting the climate bug’

Sky News host James Morrow has slammed US President Joe Biden saying he has “bitten the climate bug”.

Mr Morrow says the US President is more of an electric vehicle man now.

“At least when he’s not riding around in the presidential limo,” Mr Morrow said.

“Even if not for an everyday driver – surely Biden’s beloved electric vehicles are goof or the rental holiday market, right? Wrong!

“EV sales are failing to meet expectations and not even generous subsidies and tax breaks are able to keep demand going.

“Like everything else Biden and the progressive environmental left, it turns out that interfering with the market and trying to overthrow proven technology like the internal combustion engine just doesn’t pay.”


25 thoughts on “Sky News host slams Joe Biden for ‘biting the climate bug’”

  1. Thank you Sky News for exposing the current US administration. Us Americans are sick and tired of the BS the Democrats keep pushing. Our southern boarder is a disgrace.

    Americans, Vote Republican 🔴 in 2024

  2. CC is the ultimate political grift. Taking $$$ to fight an adversary without an army or country. Their efforts and status are not measurable nor confirmable. They will be investing though on the changes forced upon us, the serfs

  3. Climate's important. Australians will complain all the way up until it's fixed and still blame "leftists" when climate change does destroy them. Actually, it already did didn't it? Where are your forests? Oh yeah. Burnt toast. And billions of animals decimated. Yikes. All for a quick buck on YouTube. Now that's not just embarrassing. It's shameful.

  4. January the 20th of 24 he's on another weekend holiday back in Delaware he left Thursday night to go back and tonight it is Saturday night he needs his rest we've been told😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  5. And the batteries catch on fire fast and you can't charge them in the summertime are the winter time because batteries do not charge that great in the winter anybody with a brain would know that and if it takes 8 hours to charge those batteries get better be calling in to work for being late and those Chargers are broken they don't work

  6. Final Comments – Carry on Regardless on this Ridiculous Path to EV's Will destroy Europe's & Americas Car Industry at a Stroke and give Covid China the Lead in the World Domination by 2040 or sooner – WAKE UP to the Hypocrisy, Deception peddled by Politicians in the Crazy NETT ZERO Quest and we all we be poorer (According to Klaus WEF when we own not a thing !) Bye the way now worth $25-$100 MILLION – Say no more Squire – The EV is a Dead Parrot!


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