Sky Force Anniversary – Mike Matei Live

Playthrough of Sky Force Anniversary for PC. (sorry my camera was lagging for the first 10 seconds or so) This is three streams edited together.

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37 thoughts on “Sky Force Anniversary – Mike Matei Live”

  1. Hey Mike.
    Since you're doing the short plays, you could add Hammerwatch to your list of things to try. It's a Gauntlet-like game, but with a bit more to it. There's even a few hidden bonus levels that are practically copies of actual Gauntlet levels. I've had it in my library for years but I finally tried it on a whim a few months back. I wasn't expecting much, but it was actually really fun and I ended dumping quite a few hours into it. You can have multiple save slots, so I kept starting over to try out the other characters. It's fun.

  2. This is a very good game, I think the next one maybe is better, but both are really good. It is a good shmup for a beginner i feel, with how each level has varying levels of difficulty and such. But dont mention it to shmup nerds, because then you are out of the club for liking "Euro-Shmups".. 😀

    The Raiden Project on PSX is very good I think.

  3. Game looks cool. Great playing. I actually did the same thing. I have alot of nerve damage from weight lifting and permanent numbness in hands, carpal tunnel , all that shit. The numbness may come from impingements in my neck. Either way it got me into modded joysticks as a secondary controller for any games that use a D-pad. The main issue was my hands falling asleep every few minutes and going completely numb, then burning like hell on top of that. Whenever that flares up I switch over to a stick, which ive become almost equally proficient at, sometimes better than I am with a Dpad. It flares the worst when Im in a heavy weight lifting phase, since that really irritates that shit. With a stick I can play for an infinite amount of time, if need be, and sometimes I like using it more even without any issues. Modern japanese joysticks are super smooth. Not like the old arcade joysticks we had in the US , which were very rigid , required alot of tension. Its good to have a few back up options to keep shit going.

    Never thought of using a pen pad as a controller, sounds interesting. Im just getting into Steam and PC gaming a little more. Ive almost always played on consoles up until this point, so more limited controller options.

  4. One thing I've noticed is I can use an xbox one controller with a firm wrist brace OK, the kind with the metal plates in them that don't let you move your wrists at all. I get that same crap, it's a pain to deal with for sure.

  5. I am an NES advantage controller or arcade fighting joystick kinda guy. I've had the corporal tunnel for years and such controllers help avoiding the scalpel foreshore. Thank you for the years of worthy let's play videos, many streams I was thinking how does he still do this(with the little NES controller). Arcade stick pads are better overall, unless ur playing more complex games with more buttons like syphon filter on PS1.

  6. 99% of games you play (especially lesser exposed ones, the ones you find on Steam) are EXACTLY my type of games – what I love playing 🙂

    So here's a suggestion from me to you – please give UnMetal and Chroma Squad a shot – I am 99% sure you're going to love them 🙂

    Long time fan, yatta yatta, maybe you don't even realize, but you are a YT legend, and a part of inspiration for many of us 'lesser' youtubers.
    Much love and respect from Serbia <3

  7. It was said during the stream that someone likes to watch so they can see the graphics, and that is a reason I watch Mike other then just watching him play takes me back to the days when I would watch all my friends play games in out living rooms.

    Instead of my adult life as a recluse

  8. I actually love Sky Force specifically because of its lower difficulty, compared with most shmups. the game rewards you well for progress and gives you more of a feeling of progression, and ability to get further in the game, and is more accessible to a relative noob to the genre such as myself. hope your hand feels better, Mike.

  9. Hey Mike, there is a streamer by the name Jroc the God that plays with his feet, he may be able to point ya in the right direction for feet controllers. I'm not sure if he uses anything special but worth a shot to ask.

  10. We care about you, Mike! We like watching you play games, so we'd like to see your face, even if it's just a little window in the corner.

    Good choice of game, too. I played this one years ago, and completed it to 100 percent.


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