Biggest Loss of the DAY: Massive airstrike on Russian facility in Capital! Helicopters is burning'

Biggest Loss of the DAY: Massive airstrike on Russian facility in Capital! Helicopters is burning’


27 thoughts on “Biggest Loss of the DAY: Massive airstrike on Russian facility in Capital! Helicopters is burning'”

  1. Good now the Russian people can see that they are at war and war can come for them. You want peace get putin and the rest if his war criminals out of Ukraine

  2. I was watching the Russians invasion;; Tanks ,trucks and a voice told me that Russia was going to loose everything his rule,his money, equipment all that they had he would loose it all……………,

  3. I hear that the Russian people are furious with Putin. I am an 83 years old and I remember World War 2 with its rationing, blackout curtains, and air raids. I remember when my father came home too I used to pray for him like I pray for Ukraine these days. I have so much respect for President Zelensky! We need more leaders like him God bless Ukraine😇

  4. 1. If the Russians can find Patriot systems because those systems use radar, why can´t the Ukrainians set up patriots´ radar component only in numerous locations? That way Russian missiles would not know where the real patriot system is located.

    2. In WWII a ghost army was used as a diversion tactic. Inflatable tanks, etc. I would think Russian drones could be easily fooled by realistic artworks of tanks, artillery, etc. They would spend resources blowing up pieces of paper.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Tom Warson, Ph.D.

  5. What is their motivation? Fighting a country with nuclear weapons Putin will not let them win. So really what's their motivation and the U.S. ? I don't like them jeopardizing my kids safety to prove a point or to get oil.


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