Skull The Pierre – 'Coldsweat and The Troublemakers' [Official Music Video]

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Thank you so much for watching and it’s so good to have you here again!! I hope you enjoyed this wild wild ride and if you did don’t be shy, show your brother some of that sweet, sweet love!

I have a lot of love to give to everyone involved in helping me put this musical, but mostly visual concoction together. I’d like to start off with the musical master, Victor Söderlund, my trusted bandit in crime, for always mastering my songs. The ticket is yours whenever you grow some pubes and decide to come visit me in Dublin, my friend. Älskar dig.

Tom Duffy’s Circus, where do I even begin? I’ve thanked you guys a million times and will thank you a million times still. I am forever grateful for letting me shoot this video in your beautiful circus, and that I got to meet all you kind, generous, welcoming, funny, and lovely people. This video is very special to me, and the memory of the shoot is one I will always hold dear. Thank you.

Jocelyn Mcloskelyn, you superwoman, thank you for all the work you put into the video, LABUM, and me. You’ve done more for this video than I could list, and I want you to know, yooouuou fit into, aaaaaall of thiiiiis. Another massive thank you to you Patrick McCloskey, for letting me borrow your gorgeous car!

My brothers Fortune and Sol, thank you for coming out and acting, and acting a fool with me! MWUA MWUA MWUA!

Thank you all again for watching and for the unyielding support. You guys are like penises, cause I love you!

LABUM is coming my friend….

Lighting – Tom Duffy Costumes – Candice Taylor
Dancers – Sophie Griffiths, Aisling McCarthy, Molly Darlington
Foot Juggling – Kimberley Teelker, Meiley Teelker
Hula Hoops – Liana Marquez
Juggling – David Marquez
Silks – Leticia Lapin
Washington Trapeze – Anastacia Jidkova
Troublemaker 1: Sol Robinson
Troublemaker 2: Fortune Igiebor
Shot by: Jocelyn McCloskey
Written/prod/mix by Skull The Pierre
Video edit by Skull The Pierre

Coldsweat and The Troublemakers.
They’re a known threat in this part of town.
Let’s just say that they’re rough around the edges.
But the band plays and folks gather around.

Every day in every city waiting to come home.
You hear them now in Mississippi playing their trombones.

Coldsweat is just one of the members,
let’s not forget, it’s a group of five.
Wholewheat , and Dalmatine Tabacco,
Rose, and Blank are the other guys.

Every day in every city waiting to be free.
Hear them now in southern Georgia playing tambourine.

Coldsweat is the leader, not because he is meaner.
But because he’s the deceiver, he’s cunning and talks with an easy demeanor.
He says “ Oh boy let us play at your bar,
and then we’ll take our leave and get our pay in the jar”.
“Oh boy. We’ve paid our dues, we can serve you the blues or play you the blues.
Baby you choose, how could you refuse, we’re quite the act you might have heard on the news.”

Coldsweat and the troublemakers, what nasty sons of bitches they are. They’ve been traveling the country, playing their music from hell and well, raising hell. The kids seem to like it, but they don’t know any better.

Every day in every city always on the run.
Playing with their instruments and playing with their guns. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

I hope you enjoy this song! If you do, please show your boi some support by liking, subscribing, and sharing the song with everyone you know! You can also download it, burn it on CD’s and hand them out on the street and do nothing else but listen to this song for a whole week straight!

The Skull


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